The Waynesboro Police Department wants you to remember, Don’t shoot the messenger.
“The Waynesboro Police Department would like to remind city residents that 46.2-1052 of the Code of Virginia makes it unlawful to have any unauthorized sticker affixed to the windshield of a motor vehicle being operated on a highway. Recently abolished and currently expired city decals would constitute an unauthorized sticker under this code section and vehicle owners are urged to scrape them off in order to be in compliance.
“Waynesboro Officers are not and have no plans to specifically target violations of this code but wanted residents to be aware since citations have been issued by other law enforcement agencies and it can be enforced anywhere in the Commonwealth.”
Looks like somebody at the PD was paying attention to the ham-handed way Augusta County handled a similar news release.
“Augusta County residents are reminded that motor vehicle decals are no longer required by Augusta County and any expired decals should immediately be removed from the windshields of vehicles. Otherwise, a citation may be issued by State Police or County Sheriff Officers and vehicles could fail the required state inspection.
“The Code of Virginia under Section 46.2-1052 states that it is illegal to operate a vehicle in the State of Virginia with any sign, poster or material on the windshield unless it is required by law. The State Police manual requires inspectors to reject any vehicle that has any sticker placed on the windshield, except those required under state or federal law. Since Augusta County does not require the sticker, the inspector may either issue a rejection sticker or remove the decal so it will pass inspection. According to State Police Safety Division, the person presenting the vehicle for inspection would have the option to have the decal removed or fail inspection.”
The one from Waynesboro leaves you feeling a little better than that one from Augusta – the only troubling part being that the one from Waynesboro hints strongly that those of us from the River City had better watch our heinies when we’re in Augusta, because, well, you know …
Beware the sticker patrol, indeed.
– Story by Chris Graham