The Augusta County Board of Supervisors will meet Monday, June 22, at 1:30 p.m., for its monthly staff briefing, and Wednesday, June 24, at 7 p.m. for a regular business meeting.
The meetings will be held at the Augusta County Government Center, U.S. 11, Verona.
The agendas for the meetings:
Monday, June 22, staff briefing:
S/B-01 Report by VDOT
S/B-02 Discuss Community Development’s recommendation to adopt resolution for acceptance of the following street into the secondary road system in accordance with VDOT request – 1. Harriston East, Section 6 (Middle River District)
S/B-03 Discuss (A) recommendation of Parks and Recreation Commission to award a grant to the New Hope Ruritan Club in an amount not to exceed $29,225 for improvements to ball field; and (B) approval of Grant Agreement
S/B-04 Discuss (A) proposal to construct restroom/concession project; (B) approval of Grant Agreement, related to proposed Riverheads High School ballfield improvements.
S/B-05 Discuss contribution to Middlebrook Fire Department to assist with purchase of “Life Pak” in an amount not to exceed $6,788.15 (50 percent)
S/B-06 Discuss request for funding to assist the Swoope Fire Department with equipping newly purchased fire apparatus in an amount not to exceed $35,500.
S/B-07 Discuss retaining Waynesboro Development and Housing Authority as the County’s Indoor Plumbing/Rehabilitation Loan Program Administrator
S/B-08 Discuss State Code provision regarding Comprehensive Plan designations for urban service areas and urban development areas.
S/B-09 Discuss Agriculture Industry Board endorsement for submission of a grant request from the Shenandoah Valley Beef Cooperative to USDA to conduct a planning and feasibility study to better market Shenandoah Valley beef products.
S/B-10 Discuss supplemental funding for additional start-up costs associated with new facility at the Middlebrook Book Station.
S/B-11 Discuss Library Board request to proceed with bidding of Library Renovation Phase II.
Monday, June 24, business meeting
Resolution – Wilson Memorial High School girls tennis team
Resolution – Riverheads High School track team
6-09 Matters to be presented by the public
6-10 Consent Agenda – minutes of Wednesday, June 10, 2009, business meeting
6-11 Matters to be presented by the board
6-12 Matters to be presented by staff
6-13 Closed session