David Cox | Unscrewing up


+ I screwed up.” -Barack Obama, 2/3/09 after Tom Daschle withdrew as a cabinet appointee over unpaid taxes. + “I screwed up.” -John McCain, 10/16/08 to David Letterman after finking out on him to be interviewed instead by Katie Couric. + “To err is human.” -Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism, 1711

AFP, ND editor named GM of Waynesboro Generals


The Waynesboro Generals are announcing today that Chris Graham of Waynesboro has been named the team’s new general manager. Graham, 36, is the co-owner of Augusta Free Press Publishing in Downtown Waynesboro and the editor of The New Dominion monthly print magazine and Augusta Free Press Online based in Waynesboro. The Staunton native grew up…