Item by Chris Graham
[email protected]
Democratic Party lieutenant-governor nomination candidate Jon Bowerbank is busy assembling his staff for his ’09 run.
Bowerbank announced yesterday that he has retained the Northern Virginia-based Maverick Strategies to serve in an advisory role to his campaign. Members of the Maverick firm include Jessica Vanden Berg, who managed Jim Webb’s 2006 Senate campaign, another Webb ’06 veteran, communications strategist Kristian Denny Todd, and Steve Jarding, a principal in the Webb Senate run and Mark Warner’s 2001 gubernatorial victory.
Bowerbank has also enlisted the services of pollster Peter Brodnitz, who served in a similar role in the gubernatorial campaign of Tim Kaine in 2005 and the Webb Senate campaign in 2006, Lowell Feld, the editor of the political blog Raising Kaine, to serve as his netroots coordinator, and Jamie Nolan, a former fundraiser for the Democratic Party of Virginia, to head up his campaign fundraising effort.