House subcommittee votes to remove abortion funding for low-income women


A House Health, Welfare and Institutions subcommittee voted on Thursday in favor of House Bill 62, which repeals current Virginia law providing state funding for an abortion to low-income women when a doctor believes and certifies that the fetus would be born with a gross and totally incapacitating physical deformity or mental deficiency. “Today’s vote…

Wilson Library appoints new chair, board members

The Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library Foundation today announced that its Board of Trustees has elected Charlottesville pediatrician Michael Dickens as its new Chair and appointed six new Board members: Dr. Richard L. M. Coleman of Staunton; Dr. Gordon A. Haaland of Lancaster County, Virginia; Judge Stephen H. Helvin of Charlottesville; Dr. Edward G. Lengel of…

Chris Dewald: Hematuria/CAT scan


This is part two on a continued series when faced with blood in the urine. I was then prescribed to take a more intensive exam under a CT instrument, also known as CAT or computerized axial tomography. According to, CT scanning—sometimes called CAT scanning—is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat…

GOP, for the most part, dominating local House money races


26th District Democrat Gene Hart is giving Republican incumbent Matt Lohr a run for his re-election money, literally. Aside from Hart, though, Democratic candidates contending for seats representing the Central Shenandoah Valley in Richmond are struggling to keep pace with their Republican counterparts. Hart actually outraised Lohr in the Sept. 1-30 reporting period, according to…