Jim Bishop: Drive, They Said – Miata Madness Strikes the Valley


Column by Jim Bishop Twenty-one Mazda Miata convertible sport coupes departed Harrisonburg for “Wild, Wonderful West Virginia” on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 7; twenty returned. This columnist, who confesses to a four-and-a-half year love affair with his miniaturized motorcar, wondered if anyone would respond to an announcement in the News-Record and other outlets to join a…

The People v. Rick Krial: Staunton obscenity case has national attention


Story by Chris Graham [email protected] The subject isn’t evolution, and the barristers aren’t William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow. But the upcoming trial of a Staunton adult-video store owner on obscenity charges has some of that Scopes Monkey Trial flavor to it. Doesn’t it? I mean, on the one side, you have the fundamentalists who…

The hubris of Karen Schultz


Op-Ed by Seth Thatcher As of late, my mailbox has been filled with political mailings from state-senate candidates Democrat Karen Schultz and Republican Jill Vogel. As is her style, Jill Vogel is running a positive campaign based on important issues that face the 27th District. Jill Vogel stands up for protecting life, keeping taxes low,…