U.S. Supreme Court invalidates patents on cancer genes


The U.S. Supreme Court handed down a unanimous decision today that invalidated patents on two genes associated with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. The decision came in response to a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Public Patent Foundation on behalf of researchers, genetic counselors, patients, breast cancer and women’s health groups, and medical professional associations representing 150,000 geneticists, pathologists, and laboratory professionals.

U.S. Supreme Court unanimously upholds constitutionality of Virginia law limiting FOIA requests to Virginians


In a win for Virginia’s taxpayers, today the United States Supreme Court handed down a unanimous ruling that upholds the constitutionality of Virginia’s citizenship limitation in its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which allows only residents of the commonwealth and news organizations that serve Virginians to utilize FOIA.

ACLU asks U.S. Supreme Court to uphold freedom of the press on college campuses


The ACLU of Virginia today asked the U.S Supreme Court to review a ruling by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals that allows restrictions on alcohol-related advertising in college publications in Virginia. In April, on a divided vote, the Fourth Circuit upheld the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board’s prohibition on the advertising of beer, wine,…