What: History Lecture: Waynesboro in the Civil War
When: Thursday, June 19 at 7:00pm
Where: 329 W. Main St., Waynesboro, VA
Tickets: Admission is Free ($5 suggested donation)
The last in the series of Historic lectures will focus on Waynesboro’s role in the Civil War. The speaker is Richard G. Williams, civil war historian and writer. The lecture will be at 7 pm at WTA’s Gateway at 329 West Main in downtown Waynesboro. The series is a joint project between the Waynesboro Heritage Museum and the Wayne Theatre Alliance and is supported by a grant from the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities.
Richard G. Williams, Jr. is a writer who specializes in Virginia history and the War Between the States. A former contributor to the Washington Times’ Civil War column, he has also written numerous articles about the Civil War for newspapers, magazines and journals. He has recently contributed essays to The Essential Civil War Curriculum, which is a Sesquicentennial project at the Virginia Center for Civil War Studies at Virginia Tech. Williams is also the author of Stonewall Jackson: The Black Man’s Friend , The Maxims of Robert E. Lee for Young Gentlemen. His most recently published book is titled Lexington, Virginia and the Civil War (The History Press, 2013). Williams is currently completing a book on the Battle of Waynesboro to be released later this year.
Williams has also worked in film and video. He co-produced the video series, Institute on the Constitution which won a national award from The Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge and co-produced a documentary about stonewall jackson titled, Still Standing: The Stonewall Jackson Story. That film premiered at West Virginia University’s Jackson’s Mill in 2007.
Williams writing and historical research involving the Confederacy earned him the Jefferson Davis Historical Gold Medal from the United Daughters of the Confederacy —the highest honor bestowed upon non-members. He currently serves on the board of trustees for the National Civil War Chaplains Museum in Lynchburg, Virginia and as a member of the organizing committee to celebrate the Battle of Waynesboro (VA). Committed to preserving Virginia’s rich history, Williams is an avid relic hunter and is a member of the Archeological Society of Virginia, as well as other preservationist organizations.
Williams was born and raised in Waynesboro and Augusta County and currently resides in Stuarts Draft.
The lecture is free, but donations are gratefully appreciated.