Speical Commentary by Chris Graham
[email protected]
I don’t want to say that the Democrats and independents that are heading up the John McCain outreach effort in Virginia are of suspect partisan lineage, but I do have to wonder when the news release from the McCain camp touts its chair as having been the secretary of the Commonwealth under a Republican governor.
To his credit, maybe, Rick Gray says he actively campaign for Howard Dean and other Democrats, which might say something more about him than we would want to know. Because that’s a mighty interesting life journey there, from Dalton to Dean and then four years later to McCain.
“John McCain is a true maverick who hasn’t sold out to Washington, D.C. He’s his own man,” Gray was quoted in the McCain campaign release.
The vice chair is a self-identified Democrat named Christy Swanson, who told a Roanoke TV station this week that she had been planning to vote for Barack Obama until she went to Washington for a summit of small-business owners that was supposed to feature Obama and McCain that Obama ended up having to miss. She liked what she heard from McCain, she said, citing “the corporate taxes, the portable health care is huge” as the chief reasons.
Again, I don’t want to cast aspersions, because the Democratic Party is a big tent, including liberals, moderates and conservatives, including a growing base of fiscal conservatives who have been a key factor in the party’s gains in Congress. But I don’t know that even many of the Blue Dogs are focused first and foremost on corporate taxes and portable health care in the face of the fiscal and economic realities facing our country today.
But hey, you call yourself a Democrat, you’re a Democrat. I’m OK with that.