It is a great honor to represent Fifth District Virginians in Congress, and I am grateful for and humbled by the opportunity to continue serving you for the next two years. Tuesday’s election significantly changed the dynamics in Washington, and with that change comes renewed opportunities to advance policies that will address the most pressing issues facing our country.
As I travel around the Fifth District, I continue to hear Virginians’ concerns about high unemployment rates, the rising cost of healthcare, the ever-increasing national debt, and the federal government’s unnecessary regulatory burdens, all of which stand in the way of real economic recovery and greater opportunities for Virginians. They are frustrated that Washington seems to make these problems worse rather than work toward improving things. We in the House have passed dozens of bipartisan jobs proposals to grow our economy only to see them be ignored by the Senate.
But now, we have a tremendous opportunity to turn these proposals into real solutions with willing partners in the Senate. Whether it is reducing the burdensome impact of regulations that hamper small business job growth, mitigating the harmful impacts of the healthcare law, or eliminating wasteful spending from federal programs, these ideas will now receive fair and open debate in the Senate and have a chance to be signed into law by the President.
It is my sincere hope that the President will adhere to his commitment to work together rather than go it alone and change our laws through executive action. For example, his repeated suggestion of the pursuit of executive action that disregards our nation’s immigration laws would make for bad precedent and bad policy that would only undermine public confidence that we can work together to address the great challenges facing our nation. Rather, we should pursue the policies to address the problems that so many Fifth District Virginians have continually expressed to me.
Again, I thank you for entrusting me with the tremendous honor of serving as your representative in Washington. It is a privilege to be your voice in Congress, and I look forward to continuing to fight for a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.
If you need any additional information or if we may be of assistance to you, please visit my website at or call my Washington office: (202) 225-4711, Charlottesville office: (434) 973-9631, Danville office: (434) 791-2596, or Farmville office: (434) 395-0120.
Robert Hurt represents Virginia’s Fifth District in Congress.