Winners and Losers column by Chris Graham
[email protected]
WINNER: BeamerBall
No, you don’t expect BeamerBall to produce three return touchdowns every week – but you do expect it at the least to give the offense short fields to work with.
That’s how you win 80 percent of your games by handing the ball to a running back 40 times a Saturday afternoon.
You don’t have to have four- and five-receiver sets in the playbook to score 41 points in Death Valley. You barely need 200 yards.
PUSH: Tyrod Taylor
We thought we’d know more about Hokie Nation’s wunderkind QB. But he stepped on the field for the first time with a 7-0 lead courtesy Beamer Ball, and it was 24-3 before he did anything special.
Now comes the big test – on the road at Duke.
(Hey, they played Wake tough.)
PUSH: Chris Gould kicks game-winner at MTSU
You just knew when he missed that extra point a minute into the fourth quarter that Middle Tennessee was going to take advantage.
Give Gould some credit. The miss had to be on his mind as he lined up for the game-winning 34-yarder – and yet he hit it about as down the middle as you can.
Just make the gimme next time.
PUSH: Jameel Sewell sets up the kick with a two-minute drill to remember
For three and five-sixths quarters, Sewell looked like the guy that inspired the Grohs’ two-quarterback system – missing receivers, missing checks at the line, looking disinterested at times sitting on the sidelines.
And then, WHAM! – the light came on with 1:26 to go and no timeouts with the ball at his own 18.
Kudos for getting the ball down the field and into position for Gould’s big kick.
But … it doesn’t always take heroics to win a game.
WINNER: Mike Sellers
From the NFL to the CFL and back – and two touchdowns on Sunday in the Redskins’ 34-3 win over Detroit.
Sellers has to be the biggest fullback in the history of the world. He looks like a giant among really, really big men out there on the field.
Chris Graham is the executive editor of The SportsDominion.