Compiled by Chris Graham
[email protected]
LOSER: Me, for not being able to spell
It’s Cindy Corell, one -r, it was pointed out to me today. Got it.
(The name seems to scream out for a second -r. Seriously, Cindy, you might want to consider …)
So let’s diagram the matter of the Paint the Valley Blue slam in the Leader. The editorial incorrectly places Mark Warner in a Pierce Arrow on his way to the Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library. I comment on this on the Leader website, and somehow my comment ends up appearing under another name. I point out this while in the meantime spelling the opinion-page editor’s name wrong.
Talk about something being doomed from the start.
TODAY’S HOT OR NOT: Latest business idea – a local YouTube channel
I wish our local city leaders had been wise enough to follow in the footsteps of their brethren and sistren in other locales and made a viable cable-access channel that average-citizen types could actually access available to us here in Greater Augusta. I pine for the bad TV that I see when I visit friends and go on vacations and end up going the access route.
Alas, we don’t have cable access that we can access – as we were reminded in Waynesboro back in the spring, when it was made clear that channel 14 on the local cable is government access, as if somehow the powers-that-be have forgotten who pays the bills for government, but I’m digressing big time here.
Because what I want to do is say, Heck with them, let’s start our own cable-access channel on YouTube.
I’m not afraid to share this great business idea publicly, because whoever ends up doing it is not going to get stinkin’ rich from it. But not everything in life is about being stinkin’ rich, then, is it?
Have suggestions for Winners and Losers? E-mail them to [email protected].