The MAGA military vet who blew himself up in an Elon Musk cybertruck in front of a hotel with Donald Trump’s name on it left behind messages blaming the “top 1%” for all that ails us, and then, without irony, advised Americans to “rally around Trump, Musk, Kennedy.”
Let me introduce you to Matt Livelsberger, poster boy for your run-of-the-mill angry, confused MAGA American.
The media, of course, efforting to appear to be fair and balanced, is trying to build a different narrative around the active-duty Green Beret.
We’ve been told that his uncle described him as “like a Rambo-type, for lack of a better word,” who “loved Trump, and he was always a very, very patriotic soldier, a patriotic American.”
And that he also had a soft side: Livelsberger, we’re told, reached out to ex-girlfriends in the days leading up to his Jan. 1 “wake-up call” (his words), so he must have been feeling sentimental.
One said he was “the kindest man I ever knew.”
We’re also told that he struggled with PTSD, which is an issue for two decades of military veterans of our senseless and ultimately fruitless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The picture being painted: patriotic guy, nice guy, kind guy, done wrong by his country.
And then we get the different sense of Matt Livelsberger from his final two messages to the world: that dude was just your typical Fox News-guzzling fetishist who went out thinking he was firing the first shot in the next American Revolution.
“Military and vets, move on DC starting now. Militias, facilitate and augment this activity. Occupy every major road along fed buildings and the campus of fed buildings by the hundreds of thousands,” he wrote in one of the messages that he left behind on a notes app on his phone.
“Lock the highways around down with semis right after everybody gets in. Hold until the purge is complete. Try peaceful means first, but be prepared to fight to get the Dems out of the fed government and military by any means necessary. They all must go, and a hard reset must occur for our country to avoid collapse.”
Keep in mind, this guy’s favorite team won the 2024 elections – OK, yes, by a nose: the House has 219 Republicans, one more than needed for a majority; Trump’s 1.6-point win in the presidential election was the closest since 2000, and the fourth-closest since 1888.
Apparently, it’s not enough for this Matt Livelsberger guy that the team that he rooted for is back in power.
“We are crumbling because of a lack of self-respect, morals, and respect for others. Greed and gluttony has consumed us. The top 1% decided long ago they weren’t going to bring everyone else with them. You are cattle to them,” Livelsberger wrote in a second note, apparently oblivious to the raging debate among MAGAs involving Musk and Trump pushing for an expansion of visas for immigrants to fill high-paying STEM jobs, and the MAGA base raging because, you know, they’d been told that immigrants taking American jobs was the problem.
I’m understating it saying he was apparently oblivious here because, it’s the guys that he tells people to “rally around” who are treating people like him like cattle.
Or worse, like cannon-fodder.
Livelsberger was 37; the first presidential candidate our super-patriot would have voted for was George W. Bush, who was the guy who led us into “fighting wars without end states or clear objectives” that Livelsberger listed among the issues motivating him.
The rest of what Livelsberger left behind in his final messages to the world is MAGA talking points: “masculinity is good,” “DEI is a cancer,” “we are second to no one.”
“This was not a terrorist attack, it was a wake-up call,” Livelsberger wrote. “Americans only pay attention to spectacles and violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives?”
Odd that cutting a promo on George Soros on TikTok or writing a letter to the editor of the local weekly paper never crossed his mind.