VDOT and the City of Waynesboro are working on improvements to the Broad Street corridor, and they’re going to put the plans out there for public review later this month.
A citizen information open house is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 27, from 4-6 p.m. at the Charles T. Yancey Municipal Building, 503 W. Main St., Waynesboro.
Residents can come in anytime during the meeting hours and discuss the project on a one-on-one basis with VDOT officials and designers.
Written comments can be submitted at the meeting or within 10 days after the meeting date to Jennifer Hoover, Project Manager, Virginia Department of Transportation, 811 Commerce Road, Staunton, VA 24401-9029.
The project
The purpose of the project is to improve the operational safety of the Broad Street corridor by replacing center two-way left-turn lanes with designated turn areas and raised medians. This will restrict the number of full-access points onto Broad Street.
Streetscape improvements such as trees and other landscaping elements will also be incorporated into the project. Other multimodal improvements include installing missing sections of sidewalk (along north side of Broad Street) and ADA-compliant facilities such as curb ramps and pedestrian crosswalks, and minor signal adjustments as needed.
The project stretches along the entire 1.3-mile stretch of Broad Street between the West Main Street/Rosser Avenue intersection and the East Main Street intersection.
In 2023 Broad Street had an average traffic count of 11,600 vehicles per day. By the design year of 2048, the estimated daily traffic volume is 14,800 vehicles per day.
The total estimated cost of this project is $7,190,364, which includes $842,557 for preliminary engineering, $500,350 for right of way acquisition and utility relocation, and $5,847,457 for construction.
This project was selected for funding under the SMART SCALE process for prioritizing transportation projects.
Additional information about the Broad Street project is found on the VDOT project page.