Home Virginia receives $57.3M in bonus funding to push roads projects
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Virginia receives $57.3M in bonus funding to push roads projects


roads-newThe Commonwealth of Virginia has received an additional $57.3 million in federal funds for transportation originally allocated to other states.

The Virginia Department of Transportation will use this additional funding for paving projects in each of its nine construction districts: $16.7 million will go toward interstate paving, $25.6 million is designated for paving primary roads and $13.7 million is allocated for paving secondary roads. Additionally, $1.3 million is slated for bridge painting/preventative maintenance. Later this month, VDOT will make its recommendation to the Commonwealth Transportation Board, which has final approval on how money is spent on transportation projects.

“This has been a historic year for transportation funding in Virginia,” said Governor McDonnell. “This ‘bonus’ funding, along with the new and sustainable funding from the transportation bill, will enhance VDOT’s ability to move projects forward and continue to improve the condition of our roads. Virginia’s transportation system is vital to both economic opportunity and to the quality of life of every Virginian.  These strategic investments will mean shorter commutes, new roads and more jobs across the Commonwealth.”

Each September, the FHWA reviews every state’s ability to commit allocated highway dollars as the federal fiscal year ends. States that cannot obligate federal funding must return that spending authority to the FHWA. The funds are then redistributed to states that can obligate all of their federal allocations and have additional eligible projects ready to move forward.



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