Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate Robert Sarvis made the following statement regarding proposed American responses to Islamic State militant terrorists in Iraq and Syria.
“The United States has a responsibility to defend the American people from foreign threats, but we must exercise discipline and judgment before initiating new military operations in the Middle East.
“The place for a full debate is in Congress. I’m glad to see Democrat incumbent Mark Warner insist that President Obama ‘come to Congress’ with a plan, but that’s just not enough.
“That’s the same kind of vague language Senator Warner used regarding military strikes in libya in 2011. More than $1 billion was spent in that campaign without Congressional authorization of the conflict. Some in the Senate, like Virginia’s Jim Webb, sought to hold President Obama accountable, but Mark Warner did not.
“Three years later, whatever short-term success was gained through the removal of a dictator gave way to chaos, even forcing the United States to evacuate its embassy.
“Unfortunately, some in Congress are also calling for new broad authorizations for the use of force. The President should outline a clear national security interest with identifiable goals, and authorizations for the use of force should be limited.
“Make no mistake, ISIS has filled a void created by the Iraq War. We must exercise caution and do so within the bounds of the Constitution before risking American lives and treasure. In the face of this dilemma, Mark Warner shows yet again that he is more interested in offering Virginians soothing words than decisive leadership.”