The right lane of the Route 250 Bypass westbound is open to traffic from the Route 29 (Emmet Street) entrance ramp west to Barracks Road.
The lane was closed Wednesday afternoon after engineers with the Virginia Department of Transportation determined that recent heavy rains soaked the soil below the roadway and right shoulder area, causing the soil to shift toward the excavated area. VDOT materials engineers evaluated the measures that were taken to stabilize the soil and determined that the right lane could be safely reopened to traffic.
The Route 29/250 interchange improvement project is adding an additional southbound lane on Emmet Street from just south of Hydraulic Road through the Route 250 Bypass interchange. A second lane on the Bypass entrance ramp and an additional westbound lane between the ramp and the Barracks Road exit are also included in the project. For more information about the project visit the Route 29/250 interchange project page on theRoute 29 Solutions website.