Official inspection and impoundment of Soap Box Derby cars for this year’s Blue Ridge Classic race will be held on Saturday, May 16, in Waynesboro. This year’s inspection building is different than past years. Please come to the old Berrang GMC Dealership building across from the Waynesboro High School on West Main Street.
The inspections will begin at 9 a.m. Unload cars and park in the side lot. The garage doors that front on Main Street will be open for entry to the inspection area.
In preparation for the May 30th race all drivers must bring their cars for weigh-in and inspection on May 16. Also, please bring your race helmet, if you have one that you raced with in prior Soap Box races. These helmets will be impounded with your car. After the cars have passed inspection, they will be impounded until the morning of the race.
Drivers, family members and sponsors should also plan to attend the Heat and Lane Drawing on Wednesday, May 20, at 6:30 p.m. The drawing will take place at the Waynesboro Moose Lodge on Hopeman Parkway in Waynesboro. New helmets, if needed, and racing shirts will be given out at that time.
The Blue Ridge Soap Box Classic will be run in Downtown Waynesboro on Saturday, May 30. Last year, approximately 80 racers competed in the Soap Box Derby.Winners in Stock, Super Stock and Masters Divisions competed in Akron, in the All American Soap Box Derby in July.
More information at
– News Release