Del. R. Steven Landes, R-Weyers Cave, Vice Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, highlighted his key budget amendments included in the Conference Report for House Bill 30, the 2017-2018 Biennium Budget.
Del. Landes’ amendments advance his legislative agenda to promote economic development, foster educational opportunities, and increase healthcare choice, access and affordability. Landes’ amendments also provide funding for environmental stewardship. The inclusion of these amendments are a result of Delegate Landes’ work as a Vice Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and House Budget Conferee.
“Establishing the Virginia International Trade Corporation and providing additional support for the Frontier Culture Museum will help keep Virginia’s economy moving forward,” said Landes. “I’ve also worked diligently to add slots to the newly developed Individual and Family Support waiver slots for individuals on the newly combined intellectual and developmental disability waiting list, as well as funding to expand the research capacity of the Focused Ultrasound Center at the University of Virginia” noted Landes. Finally, Landes added “It’s also important for us to be good stewards of our environment. As such, we’ve included significant funding for our Water Quality Improvement Fund and the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund.”
The following Landes budget amendments have been included in the Conference Report:
- Item 105 #2c provides $250,000 from the general fund to establish the Virginia International Trade Corporation.
- Item 198 #1c provides $4.0 million in additional general funds to expand the research capacity of the Focused Ultrasound Center at the University of Virginia to continue cutting edge research and treatment for serious medical conditions including uterine fibroids, Parkinson’s disease and bone metastases.
- Item 235 #1c provides $300,000 in additional funding for additional staff at the Frontier Culture Museum. These additional staff will help improve the quality of the educational programs at the museum.
- Item 306 #26c provides $5.2 million the first year and $5.2 million the second year general fund and a like amount of federal Medicaid matching funds to add up to a total of 355 waiver slots in fiscal year 2017. Of these slots, 200 are provided for individuals at the top of the Developmental Disability (DD) waiver chronological waiting list as of June 30, 2016, and an additional 115 DD slots are added to the 25 slots included in the introduced budget. Up to 40 emergency reserve slots may be created across the Intellectual Disability, Developmental Disability, and Day Support waivers in fiscal year 2017 for emergencies, for individuals transferring between waivers and for individuals transitioning from an Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) or state nursing facility (SNF) to the community to ensure the health and safety of individuals in crisis.
- $26 million in general funds are provided the first year for agricultural best management programs. Item 364 2h requested a total of $12 million in additional support each year.
- $20 million in general funds are provided for the first year for the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund from the House Bill 1344 and Senate Bill 731. Item C-47 #5h, requested $100 million for bond proceeds for the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund to be included in the Capital Outlay Conference Report.
Landes represents the 25th House District, which includes parts of Albemarle, Augusta, and Rockingham Counties. Landes is currently serving his eleventh term in the Virginia House of Delegates.