A listing of campus events and activities at James Madison University in Harrisonburg for the period Sept. 18-27.
Sept. 18-30: Art in the Arboretum, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, Frances Plecker Education Center at the Edith J. Carrier Arboretum: The tapestries of Joan Griffin use wool, silk and metallic yarns selectively with color variations and patterns to produce unique pieces that have earned accolades at juried art shows throughout the country; some pieces are available for purchase; for more information, visit www.jmu.edu/arboretum or phone (540) 568-3194.
Sept. 18-Nov. 6: The Gallery @ Festival Exhibition, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, Room 2104, Festival Conference and Student Center: “The World of the Ancient Greeks and Romans” is an interactive, fun and child-friendly exhibit that encourages exploration of classical Mediterranean culture through objects drawn from the Madison Art Collection; learn about how Western life today is strongly influenced by the Greeks and Romans; free.
Sept. 18-Oct. 17: New Image Gallery Exhibition, noon-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday, noon-4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 131 Grace St.: The contemporary photography gallery presents the printmaking of Jack McCaslin, JMU professor of art and art history; for information, call (540) 568-7175; free.
Sept. 18-26: artWorks Gallery Exhibition, noon-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday, noon-4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 131 Grace St.: Features the work of JMU undergraduate students; free.
Sept. 19: Old Trees Tour, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., tour leaves from the upper parking lot of the Edith J. Carrier Arboretum for Cypress Bridge on the Nottoway River at 8 a.m.: Ecologist Gary Fleming and retired teacher Byron Carmean lead the wetlands tour via canoe and kayak; retracing the route of their 2005 expedition, the guides lead tourists through an impressive grove containing record-sized bald cypress and swamp tupelo, including specimens thought to be over a thousand years old; cost is $40 and includes round-trip transportation and canoes to ferry tourists to the site; participants should bring their own lunch and snacks, pest repellant and drinking water and should wear clothes and shoes suitable for a wetlands habitat; for information and registration, visit www.jmu.edu/arboretum or call (540) 568-3194.
Sept. 19: JMU American Choral Directors Association Choralfest, 5 p.m., Harrisonburg High School: The JMU student chapter sponsors the annual high-school festival that blends the voices of the student guests with college musicians; check the School of Music’s Concert Hotline at (540) 568-3481 for venue and time changes; donations accepted.
Sept. 20: JMU Steel Band, 3 p.m., Room 108, Music Building: Admission is $2 at the door; check the School of Music’s Concert Hotline at (540) 568-3481 for venue and times changes.
Sept. 21: Gandhi Award Recipient Lecture: Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, 7 p.m., Convocation Center: President Carter’s Gandhi Award Lecture is titled “The Path to Peace in the Middle East”; the award honors the couple for their lifetime commitment to improving the human condition through humanitarian efforts around the globe; admission is $10 (lower level of Convocation Center) / $5 (upper level) to help offset the costs of the ceremony; tickets must be purchased in advance and are available online at http://www.jmu.edu/gandhicenter/gandhiaward2009.shtml; by phone at (540) 568-3853; or for pick-up at JMU Convocation Center Ticket Office (Entrance D).
Sept. 21: “With Good Reason” Public Radio Program, 7 p.m., WMRA-FM (90.7): JMU Associate Professor Kit Murphy is discovering how female tree frogs use complex information processing when listening to the mating calls of male frogs to select their mates and Professor Reid Harris and Associate Professor Kevin Minbiole are conducting pioneering research on a naturally occurring protective bacteria on the skin of frogs that may repel a deadly fungus.
Sept. 21-25: International Week at JMU: For a full schedule of IWeek events, visit http://www.jmu.edu/international/iweek/schedule.shtml.
Sept. 22: International Week “Reflecting Brazil” Concert, 7 p.m., Wilson Hall Auditorium: Check the School of Music’s Concert Hotline at (540) 568-3481 for venue and time changes; free.
Sept. 22-26: Experimental Theatre, 8 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday, Theatre II: “The Woman Who Always Got What She Wanted”; admission is $4.
Sept. 23-Dec. 15: PRISM Gallery Exhibition, open during normal building hours, lower level of Festival Conference and Student Center: Opening Sept. 23 from 4 to 6 p.m., “Looking Out – Thirty Years of Study Abroad at JMU, 1979-2009” traces the development of JMU’s study abroad program since its beginnings in London; the program continues to flourish and now sends more than 1,000 students each year to nearly 40 programs around the world; enjoy the sights and sounds of other cultures as captured by students and faculty whose lives international education has transformed; free.
Sept. 23: Bonsai Gardening Workshop, noon-1 p.m., Frances Plecker Education Center, Edith J. Carrier Arboretum: Arboretum grounds manager Michael Hott leads the three-part workshop on growing your own bonsai plants for home decoration, gifts or gardens; sessions two and three are Sept. 30 and Oct. 7; $35 registration fee covers the three dates and includes all materials needed to begin growing your bonsai and create a “how-to” guide; for information, visit www.jmu.edu/arboretum or call (540) 568-3194.
Sept. 23: Guest Artist, 8 p.m., Anthony-Seeger Auditorium: Mark Kellogg, trombone; check the School of Music’s Concert Hotline at (540) 568-3481 for venue and times changes; free.
Sept. 24: Faculty Ensemble, 8 p.m., Anthony-Seeger Auditorium: Harmoniemuzik; check the School of Music’s Concert Hotline at (540) 568-3481 for venue and times changes; free.
Sept. 26: Guest Artist, 8 p.m., Wilson Hall Auditorium: Andres Diaz, cello; admission is $2 at the door; check the School of Music’s Concert Hotline at (540) 568-3481 for venue and times changes.
Sept. 27: Guest Artist, 3 p.m., Wilson Hall Auditorium: Janina Fialkowski, piano; check the School of Music’s Concert Hotline at (540) 568-3481 for venue and times changes; free.