Every year, the Garden Club of Virginia ushers in the spring season with Historic Garden Week, the oldest and largest statewide house and garden tour event in the nation. Tours benefit the restoration of important historic grounds and gardens throughout the state. The Harrisonburg chapter of this organization, the Spotswood Garden Club, will continue this Virginian tradition on April 22 with the style and grace of this year’s tour, Old Town Revisited.
Formal and cottage gardens, beautifully renovated historic properties as well as artwork and priceless antiques all contribute to the tour’s attractions. The chair of this Harrisonburg event, Brenda Ashworth, has enjoyed working with the Spotswood Garden Club for six years and attributes the success of the event to community support. Alexis Morehouse, Promotions Manager for Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance, is excited to cross-promote this event with downtown attractions ,”We are thrilled to have the Spotswood Garden Club feature our downtown residential neighborhood as well as some of our popular community attractions. Downtown is becoming a popular place to visit and to live”.
The tour begins at 10 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. on April 22. Five distinct residential properties will be showcased along with downtown community cultural attractions. Stops include:
– 486 Andergren Drive
– 281 East Grattan Street
– 270 Paul Street
– 475 Ott Street
– 424 Monticello Avenue
– 301 South Main Street (Virginia Quilt Museum)
– 174 South Main Street (Massanutten Regional Library)
– 212 South Main Street (Hardesty-Higgins House)
TICKETS: Advanced tickets or block tickets, $20; Full ticket, $25; single-site admission, $10. Tickets may be purchased at any of the homes on tour day. Children 13 ages 6-12, half-price.
REFRESHMENTS AND QUILT DISPLAY: The Virginia Quilt Museum, 301 S. Main St., will feature a display, “Floral Abundance.” Light refreshments will be served by The Spotswood Garden Club. Admission is free with Harrisonburg area tour ticket. Restroom facilities available.
SPECIAL ACTIVITIES: Demonstrations of “Container Gardening” by Lynn Hess of Hess Greenhouse will be held at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Massanutten Public Library, 174 S. Main Street, Harrisonburg. FREE to all holders of Harrisonburg Garden Day tickets.
– News Release