On Thursday, October 27, the Shenandoah Valley Small Business Development Center and Shenandoah Valley Technology Council will host a workshop focused on cyber-security awareness for the businesses and non-profit organizations in the Valley.
Attendees will take away techniques and practical tips for assessing and enhancing the internal and external security for their data systems. Guest experts who will be sharing information include Celia Paulsen from the Cybersecurity and Privacy Applications Group for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Chris Sullivan, Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer for Serco, Inc., and Roy Luebke,Innovation & Growth Consultant for GenEdge.
“The goal of this workshop is to increase knowledge about risks we all face and to increase the likelihood of recovery and damage control in the event of a cyber incident.” says Joyce Krech, Director of the SV SBDC. “All businesses of every size are invited to attend. Unless you have a dedicated and knowledgeable IT Department, this session is for you. You’ll learn the most up-to-date issues and how to take the practical steps needed to protect your data, your customers, and your business.”
The workshop runs 7:30am to noon on the 27th and includes a light breakfast and plenty of networking time. It will meet in the JMU Ice House on Bruce Street; the cost is $35.
Pre-registration is requested and can be done by visiting www.valleysbdc.org or www.svtc-va.org.