Staff Report
QUESTION: How have you seen Clemson’s offense evolve this year?
COACH GROH: A lot of it has to do with the development of Kyle Parker as the quarterback. For those of you who are not familiar with his background, this is a superior athlete. And I would use his resume, not my opinion to back that up. That is during the spring of what should have been his senior year in high school he made all ACC in baseball. I think he might have led the conference in home runs while participating in spring practice and acclimating himself to being a college student instead of going to his senior prom.
He’s got the type of eye-to-hand coordination that would be associated with somebody who could hit a speeding fastball or moving curveball as well as he does; okay. That’s a critical factor. I think you find that most quarterbacks were really, really good and have a high accuracy number.
It’s not just about mechanics that you find that somewhere along the line they’re either a real good scorer in basketball, high school basketball, or a good hitter or a good pitcher. It’s something that’s high to hand coordination as much as physical athletic skills is a factor in performance.
So his resume clearly says that. And he was tremendously regarded quarterback coming out of high school. And there was – we were certainly well aware of his circumstances. And there was always some conjecture as to whether or not he would play college football or go directly into professional baseball. So he’s that type of athlete.
And early in the season, the skills were apparent, but clearly he was a player who hadn’t had to make those decisions under the speed of ACC competition, and now that he’s 10 games into the season, so, really doing a terrific job with it. They have some remarkable playmakers, and he’s very tuned into getting the ball to those playmakers. So those things work very well in consort.
QUESTION: Speaking of playmakers, is C.J. Spiller one?
COACH GROH: Very much so. Unique in his overall skill set. He’s clearly a dynamic, hard to get on the ground runner – his kick return record speaks for itself. He’s got two touchdown passes in his resume. One of which we witnessed.
He’s got touchdowns catches. He is the true all-purpose threat. Maybe as great as we’ve seen in this conference for a long time.
QUESTION: It would probably be ambitious to limit him to yards and he played pretty well last year. What worked against Spiller last year?
COACH GROH: Yeah, as I’ve watched this year’s games and seen the fire power that their team has generated, I mean, they’ve been what is it, somewhere over 40 points average in the last five games. When I see the firepower they’ve generated, and I think of last year we had the game at 13-3. And it was one of those multiple interception games, and that’s really what took us out of the game. Otherwise we really had a chance and a shot in that one.
I wanted to make sure specifically that I looked at this year first and then looked backwards rather than looking from the back forward. So I haven’t – I’ve got about two more of this year’s games that I want to watch before I go back to last year.
QUESTION: Steve Greer continues to be a consistent player. Could you evaluate his performance to date?
COACH GROH: Yeah, he I won’t rehash the things I talked about with him earlier. You probably have a good record of that. But the week before there were a few things that one of the key principles of how we teach the linebackers is don’t play plays.
There are too many plays. You can lift them all out there and try to figure out what to do on each particular play. But the inside linebackers had very specific keys. Read your key and react to your key. Okay. Don’t go until you know. But when you know, go.
It’s not a stand and play, shuffle on. It’s supposed to be a fast moving, get there. When you get it in terms of keys, it reduces it down to a few things that the player that he’s keying can do. The same consistent set of reactions: The week before he was sorting plays out. Not as active. So really pointed that out to him in the video last night that against a team that’s a dedicated running team. Just watch yourself here and watch how much movements involved. Watch your feet, watch your legs.
There’s a lot of activity in there, and he got on the move again. And his production went up with it. So, you know, we had the same situation, mark, with sometimes with Jon Copper in a similar fashion that both players really applied themselves in their preparation. And they know quite a bit about who they’re playing; okay sometimes Jon tries to get there and sort it out and go. Huh-uh, that’s not the system. Just read the keys and go. Don’t outsmart yourself by trying to figure out too much.
So with those players of that disposition, we’ve found out over the years that’s just one of the reminders that we’ve got – I guess you could call for those players fundamentals. It’s a fundamental for them as much as a physical block protection skill. Just stay focused in on the key. Whatever the key tells you. Okay. React to that and go. Let’s get moving. So he did. He got his production back up to previous levels on Saturday.
QUESTION: I can’t imagine Marc Verica knew what his symptoms were. What went on there and did he know what symptoms of a concussion are?
COACH GROH: He brought some symptoms to the medical people on Wednesday after practice, which in their diligence caused them to conduct more tests and more evaluations. From that it was determined that he had some leftover effect. I say that without being knowledgeable about talking about the specifics. Some leftover effects from the contact that he took at Miami that it wasn’t visible for him to play in the game.
QUESTION: Did you notice anything different from him in practice?
COACH GROH: I have not. In fact, his practices have been pretty sharp.
QUESTION: Concussions have been focused on more lately. Is it something that you are paying any closer attention to than in the past?
COACH GROH: For this reason, when I was with the Jets, Dr. Elliot Pelman who was our lead physician was the head of the NFL whatever it was, commission, counsel, whatever on concussions. So he had our whole organization very well informed about all of those issues. Plus we had in 2000 one of our better players, Wayne Chrebett who had suffered a concussion and had some lingering effects with it that affected his participation for a while. I think ultimately after I had left that was part of the time frame in which he retired. So my experience with that had us well tuned into it when we came here.
QUESTION: Coach, what is the atmosphere like at Clemson, would you say it’s one of the toughest places to play in the conference?
COACH GROH: When you go down there awe know a couple of things. It’s going to be loud. It’s going to be challenging, and it’s going to be fun. It’s a great atmosphere in which to play in. In their energy it’s right up there at the very top of the ACC sites that we go to. There’s a real football fever. It’s not just a Saturday afternoon activity. There is a real passion and a real fever for Clemson football. So I’ve always enjoyed going in there. It’s very challenging to go in, like I said. It’s challenging. They always have a very talented team. I mean, I can’t remember when Clemson wasn’t talented. They’ve always had a very talented team. Football is really important not only to the players, but to the fans. And there is a very lively electric atmosphere. We haven’t been down there since they expanded the stadium or the renovations that went into it. But it was pretty imposing before it was renovated. So kind of looking forward to seeing it.
QUESTION: After the game the other night several of the players talked about they really only have to play for pride now. As a coach, is that the greatest challenge?
COACH GROH: You know, I’ve never said that I think perhaps I’m just guessing, I think perhaps players say that because they’ve heard it or it’s the answer to a question. Now that you guys aren’t playing for the championship, are you playing for pride? And the reason I preface my answer with that is I thought that’s what we were doing every week. You know, I thought we were trying to prove something every week. I thought we were playing for pride every week. So I think you hear it at the end of the season because players have heard other players say it, or as I said, the question gets posed that way, so they answer it in the affirmative.
QUESTION: At this time of year, I assume some players are being contacted by agents. Do you play any role in facilitating this?
COACH GROH: We do. Zach actually for any coach who is just starting now – that coaches about two years too late. I can remember, for example, I guess it was in ’02, shortly after we got back from the Continental Tire Bowl, one of our players who had played very well in that game, who was a true freshman, came into a little just puzzled. How do I deal with this? While he was home between the bowl game and coming back to school, he had been contacted by a number of agents. So it’s a very prevalent thing. So we try to talk with the players who might be in that circumstances long beforehand. In a lot of ways, very early at the start of their career. It’s just one of the facts of the landscape that you have to deal with to try to make sure that the players and their families are able to on sort it out and get with the really reputable professional people. And so we have all those people. And we do have all the players who look like they’re going to have some chance to be in that circumstance after the season, we started with all of that specific discussion way back in the spring.
QUESTION: I remember having a discussion a couple years ago at a time when you were having a tremendous home record. Your home record isn’t nearly what it used to be. Is that just all coincidence or is there any explanation for it?
COACH GROH: Talent. The most talented teams win most of the time.
QUESTION: Beyond wins and losses is that kind of greasing the way or helping guys as they get ready to leave and go to the NFL? Is that kind of one of the joys of your job to kind of help facilitate that in some way?
COACH GROH: To use a term from the banking business, I can remember banks had a little more positive image than they had portrayed lately. They were using the saying that they were a full service bank. So we do think in that term we like to think that we’re a full service program. That everything that the player needs while he’s here, that we’re here to provide. Whether it’s academic support, academic stimulation, strength training, football coaching, personal counseling, and then certainly if the player is fortunate enough to go into the National Football League, to make sure that he’s well informed of how to handle the business aspects of it as well as the difference of the game they’re playing.
So we’re pleased when players come back and say that they were well prepared for everything that they encountered during the early part of their professional career. Because we don’t really care so much who the players pick as their representation as sometimes we are concerned about who they don’t pick that people that haven’t had an established reputation as being very professional at what they do, very honest what they do, committed to their clients. So that the player can create a partnership with that person that will last during the course of his career.
QUESTION: Do you have a list of people for them to stay away from?
COACH GROH: Well, I’m aware of the circumstances of a number of the people in that profession. Usually what we say is look, I’m not here to get in your business, but if you’d like to use us as a resource, we’d be happy to do that. And any questions or any information that you have. So sometimes the players will come in and say, here are some of the people I’m talking about, and do you know about any of these people? So we don’t really so much say this is who you should pick or who you shouldn’t pick. We just say if you want to ask our opinion on any of these people, go ahead and do so. And frequently they have felt confident to do that.
QUESTION: Do you bring up the chance to play spoiler role for the Clemson game?
COACH GROH: All we tried last week to do was to beat Boston College. We didn’t have anything bigger in mind than that. All we had in mind the week before that was to beat Miami. And all we had in mind when we played North Carolina was to beat North Carolina. It wasn’t like; okay, we’re going to start a five-game winning streak or whatever. We were just trying to one of the things that we emphasize, and this is not original.
I’m sure all of you are familiar with or many of you are familiar with Harvey Penick, the great golf teacher. He’s got a famous book out “The Little Red Book”, and he’s got a really good – I haven’t used it to do anything to improve my golf game, and I’m happy to say for Harvey’s sake, that I haven’t read the whole book, so my lack of progress can’t be attributed to the fact that his book failed me.
But, I was put on to it by another football coach. There is a small little chapter in there, as most of the chapters are very small, about how to approach every shot. And the phrase is pick out your target, block out all distractions, and take dead aim.
That’s how you compete. That’s how you compete from play-to-play. That’s how you compete from week-to-week. Pick out your target. Block out all distractions, and take dead aim. That’s what coaches do and that’s what players do. Or they should. The idea of looking at five or six games in a row. And you win this, and they lose, and then this happens. Or we can play this role. Okay, it takes every single team and the player has got to get ready to compete successfully, much less think about all those extraneous things.
QUESTION: Back to the NFL, how much because of your background do parents get involved in that? Or do you keep it between you and the players because they’re essentially –
COACH GROH: Every case is individual. I’ve had players individually sitting in the office talking about it. I’ve had players, parenting, siblings, and girlfriends joining the player. So just whatever group the player wants to assemble for his council, I’ve been to their homes. They’ve been to my office to talk about this circumstance.
QUESTION: There was a period earlier this year where Clemson was struggling to score. Some of the players were saying they were too predictable. What’s changed with that?
COACH GROH: That’s a big part of it. As I went through all the printed material last night to just try to understand who this team is, I answered questions of just the statements I heard. Their offensive players that they’ve been talking about particularly since their bye week where they really were able to – I don’t know if the exact word was use, but get reorganized and get very specific on how they wanted to play and get in a rhythm and get better timing down and all those things.
So I would guess that all that, through the whole circumstances of most of their offensive coaches are new to this year’s team. They have a new quarterback. So it probably took a lot of things just to get everything in sync. Obviously, when you do have players like Ford and Spiller, they should be featured. You know, they can’t maybe just overwhelm everything else, but by the same token, if you weren’t featuring them the question would be why aren’t those two guys getting the ball as much as they should?
So unfortunately they get their fair share of shots in the game. But that probably has a lot to do with it. Then with that goes certainly a level of confidence that it looks like on the video that every play that is called, they are saying this is going to work, because most of them have here now for the last five weeks.
QUESTION: You said after the game the other day it was the performance you’d been waiting 10 months for. Obviously, the statistics wouldn’t bear that out. What are some of the things that you were referring to?
COACH GROH: Not so much numbers, but just really coming together and playing as one coordinated team. Playing a complementary game in all phases and in preparation, emotionally, in putting the game together.
Now we had a stage of that in the middle of the season where that was occurring. You know, it started to. Kind of started to happen in the third game. It really was working two games four, five, and six. As we said to the players, it isn’t as if we just completely lost track of it. But sometimes if you lose a few degrees out of there, then that’s just the little bit that you need.
If you go from the top of the bottle here down to here, then you certainly didn’t throw it all out. It’s those three, four, five, six, whatever number you can put on it that pulls all of that together. So I thought from all those phases, how the preparation went during the course of the week, the intensity of the players involvement, their understanding of how everything had to fit together. That’s the point that I was referencing.
QUESTION: It seemed the most effective the offense has been in the last few weeks was in the last drive. What made it so effective?
COACH GROH: They’re really the same. One of the things that you say in that particular case is that all the way down the field we saw exactly the same defense, so that could be the case on however many plays that were in there. Eight, nine, ten plays in a row, we wish that could be the case on ten consecutive plays any time during the course of the game. That allows the quarterback to get real good looks, to get into rhythm. We were able to kind of repeat a lot of the same plays against the same looks. So that probably all factored into it.
But a lot of it just gets down to a lot of those plays have been called early in the game. They didn’t just come out on for that situation. Some had worked and some hadn’t worked as well as they did until that time. In fact, the last play of the game, which didn’t work as well as we would have liked, we had already completed that two or three times within the drive.
QUESTION: Couple years ago you had I think five games and you guys won by a point or two? You guys have had three games this year and you’ve talked about two or three plays different could have gone the other way. If you get one of those, how much does that maybe build off itself? And not getting them, I’m sure that becomes kind of how much could one of those going the other way?
COACH GROH: Sure, it’s all helpful. Obviously, positives are always better than negatives.
The most important thing in those factors is how the team is playing. You know, if you play and if you win and play poorly, you feel good about winning. You feel better than you do when you lose. But you don’t necessarily have a great confidence that it’s going to happen again. It’s when you play well and win that the team really has or do good things in a game. Obviously, when the team gets down the field and wins the game and everything happens with the climactic positive, then there’s a lot of that that carries over.
As you say, sometimes it’s just those two or three plays. We said that last evening. We had probably I thought the really significant play in the last four-play sequence was the first down play. Which we have a receiver open. And the safety behind the receiver has fallen down, so the ball is completed, probably a good chance the receiver’s going to go in for the winning touchdown. That was going to be somewhere around the 30-second range. We would have been in fairly good control at that particular point. It wouldn’t have affected the assessment of how the team played in the game. We would have played the same game, but for one play. But it would have affected everybody’s perception of how the team played. The team played the same game but with heartache. If we had completed that pass, we would have played the same game with joy. So it’s just a few of those plays that determine the outcome. Therefore the feelings about it, but that doesn’t necessarily change the accurate assessment of the team’s performance.
We’ve had certainly two of the last three games that have fallen into that category.
QUESTION: What brought about the decision to have Vic Hall return punts and did it impact his ability to play an other positions?
COACH GROH: It did not impact him in any other way — and its just part of the thing that we said about Vic some weeks ago. When the game is over, we want them to be dirty and be tired. But he’s a player that has great energy, great passion, great competitiveness. One of the best players on our team. So we’re trying to ask him to do everything he can. And he wants to do everything he can.
QUESTION: What was it like to see Mark Herzlich before the game and to be part of that pregame ceremony?
COACH GROH: It was nice. I had a chance to have some words with Mark well before that. Talked about his situation. He’s turned out to be the kind of player we always thought he was going to be and just very pleased for him. The circumstances seem to be working out, and best wishes to him. He expressed his GRATITUDE for our efforts towards his fundraising. So it was nice.
QUESTION: Any words of encouragement for Jameel after coming up short on that final offensive play and his response after the ball was spotted?
COACH GROH: No, it’s just you don’t leave him alone. At least I don’t. You know, he’s important to us as a person as well as a player. To see one of your players in a distressed state and whatever that might be about, whether it’s something of a personal nature that occurs during the week or after a game like that, it’s something we want to do. But I think it’s also part of the responsibility of being the coach. We have some of the same feelings as he does but those moments when players are hurt by what happened, it’s when you’re in that position of being in charge, it’s incumbent upon you putting your feelings aside and offering the type of counsel that they need just as you would do within a family situation. But not be overbearing about it. Just let them know that you’re there and that you care. Just let them handle – sometimes just do – that, and let them handle it in their own way.
QUESTION: When scouts come through, what position is Vic evaluated at?
COACH GROH: Well, probably I would say that they don’t know. Each one’s got a little different idea. Because you’re going to get 32 different, maybe not 32, but a wide spread different set of ideas on a play like Vic has done. But the range of things that he’s done has certainly helped his circumstances, because it’s provided more options of which he can be evaluated. And just, you know, that’s those teams business. We don’t try to evaluate the players for them. We just answer the questions for them.
One of the reasons that we are so open about letting the NFL personnel people come in, one of the most open teams in the country is for players like that. You know, when Chris Long’s here, and Eugene Monroe is here, and those kind of guys, they’re going to make sure they do their due diligence on those players. But those players a little further down the line that the scouts only have a limited opportunity to be around, they don’t have time to do their work on them. But know that they can be here as much as they need to be, that’s when they find out about and can do a more complete report on those players.
We feel when those players give us everything they have and they still have dreams to go on, the least we can do is open the door and provide them as much opportunity to be evaluated. But we’ll answer their questions and he they know that we’re accessible to that. So Vic is one of those players that we’ve said the same thing about some other players.
One of them had 18 carries yesterday in Jason Snelling. I clearly remember just being able to say about Jason that, look, he may not be the most spectacular in any way. He’s not the fastest or the tallest or the heaviest running back. He’s just a really good player. What team wouldn’t want a really good player?
Well, he’s thought of very positively in Atlanta. The special teams captain, I guess Turner got hurt yesterday. Jason had 18 carries, 61 yards, nice day. So we say the same thing about Vic. He’s just a good player. He blocks, he tackles, he catches, he runs, he covers kicks, he catches kicks. He does what football players do. He’s not a specialist, he’s a good football player.
QUESTION: When Mikell was injured, he had 149 all-purpose yards midway through the third quarter. What has happened to him since then? How much of an impact has that had on him?
COACH GROH: Yeah, it’s hard to assess what impact it’s had. What it did in so many circumstances, it just provided an opportunity for another player who has taken real good advantage of that opportunity. We see that Rashawn has taken advantage of that opportunity. He’s run the ball well for the team. He’s got a good feel for these runs. So it’s provided the opportunity for him.
QUESTION: Do you sense that there’s been a change in the way Mikell runs the ball since then?
COACH GROH: That would be a natural thing for anybody. I don’t say it wouldn’t be an unexpected thing for somebody who had been taken off the field on a board.
We thought in one of the first games that he was back that he didn’t have quite the same abandon that he had before. You’d have to ask him that.
QUESTION: With all the injuries and close games, how tough has it been to coach this team?
COACH GROH: About the same as all the preceding ones. And I say this in a positive way. When you win, it’s a grind. Okay, when you lose, it’s a grind. You know, but it’s positive. It’s good. It’s what we choose for it to be. You know. But to do 100 hours a week and go through the whole process again every week, there is no carry over.
You know, Boston College is over. You grade the film, you put it in the file, and you start the whole process over again. That’s what we like to do. Okay. That’s what we like to do. We enjoy getting ready for games. We enjoy teaching players. We enjoy the competition.
We do it all really the process is fun. The result is paramount. But the process is fun. So when I say it’s a grind win or lose, it’s the same deal. Every season is challenging in that respect. Every season has things to deal with. You know, every season you get guys hurt, that’s why we don’t make a big deal out of it. Sometimes it hurts your circumstances more than others.
But you can’t choose what year you’re going to make a big issue out of it. When you start making a big issue out of it, you create built-in excuses for the players. Of you create built-in excuses for yourself. You create – I think you minimize your opportunity for players to think of themselves as the next man up because you’re always talking about how hurt the team is because that guy’s predecessor was gone. But what would you think, you know?
QUESTION: A lot of the coaches with pretty high career histories, you know, Bobby Bowden, and Pete Carroll got his butt handed to him twice in the last couple of weeks. But a lot of coaches that are really, really respected and having tough years, what does that maybe tell or should that tell you about college football in general and parity, maybe?
COACH GROH: I don’t know if it’s parity. But the wave-like nature of the game. You know in so many circumstances the stream of talent doesn’t flat line. Okay. It goes up, and then it goes down. And it goes up, and it goes down, you know. I don’t know anything about what’s going on with Stanford.
The only thing – I don’t know anything that’s going on with them. Except I know they have a terrific quarterback, and they’ve got from what I’ve told, and I saw a little bit of them on TV in the hotel one Saturday when we played in the afternoon and Wake Forest was on; okay. I’ve seen – I had no idea who this running back was; okay. I saw 7 or 8 carries that he had. And I’m not surprised the numbers that he’s putting up because I saw him and I said, whoa, who is this guy? This guy is really good.
Anybody who has got that back is going to have a heck of a running game. Anybody that has that quarterback is going to have a real good passing game.
And so the way of probably doing really good efforts on their part. It wasn’t just because of Santa Claus. But the wave of talent went up. So their talent level went up. It’s up there right now, higher than it’s been. Perhaps as good as USC is. Of perhaps it’s not at the same level as it was in whatever, ’07 or ’08 when they sent something like 21 players to the NFL off those two teams.
That was an incredible accumulation of talent, no matter if it’s USC, Texas or Ohio State. That was an incredible collection of talent in one place. There are not a lot of places in college football where it comes in at the same level. In fact, most places there is a bit of that. That’s why it’s important to put the players in position to make plays. But it just has all to do with those circumstances.
What’s involved in the accumulation or acquisition of talent, there are a lot of different factors that are involved in that. So I think that certainly is a major factor in what you see in the unpredictability. It’s the same thing you see in the NFL now. One of the intriguing things of the NFL is how teams rise and fall so fast.
Tennessee is on a three-game winning streak, that makes them 3-6. Last year they were 13-3. With the most veteran coach in the NFL. Who is well accepted as being really good at his game, and they were 3-13 – a few years ago they were 3-13. Last year they were 13-3. Then they went 0-3, 0-6, now they’re 3-0. So Jeff Fisher is well respected as being on top of his game, and yet there is that kind of bounce.
So much of it has to do with those in their circumstance when it was some free agent acquisitions that spike the team a. I know they lost a terrific defensive player last year to free agency. Maybe that affected his team. I don’t know. Some draft choices don’t pan out; okay. Even though they might be a one or two selection just like some seven, eight, nine, and ten star players don’t pan out like they were supposed to and a lesser guy does. You’re dealing with people, and we know how unpredictable all of us are.
QUESTION: There were so many penalties in that game Saturday. With BC scoring both its touchdowns after interference penalties, with you having a touchdown called back by penalties, how do you address penalties with your players?
COACH GROH: Every week we talk about winning. We talk about things that make you win and cause you to lose. And we work off the same listing every week to see which was most significant in the game. But obviously certain things each week become more significant, following the Maryland game, what made us win? Took the ball away a substantial amount of times. That as much as anything else. William & Mary game, what caused us to lose? Was it bad tackling? No. Was it bad defense? No. Was it too many turnovers? Yes. So every week we’ve got something different that hopefully the team continues to learn from. And this particular week it was penalties. Okay. Penalties. There were an awful lot of things on this side of the scale that uplifted our team.
If there were just more things on this side that caused the scale to go that way. Okay on. We gave up points or we affected the scoreboard by some of those calls. In terms of the 180 or so plays that there were in the game, 150 or so plays, there weren’t many of those. But it doesn’t take many. At the wrong time it only takes one or two.
QUESTION: Is that a lot of bad decision-making or close calls?
COACH GROH: However closes the call is, players on the team have to understand every player is responsible for his own penalties. We coach them all the time. The players know what causes penalties. Whether we like it or not, we have officials in practice every day in training camp we have officials at practice every Wednesday. The penalties are called and pointed out to the players, so maybe the player doesn’t think that’s the way the play should be called, but it happens often enough they learn that’s what they do call.
Okay, that’s what they do call. So that’s part of being a good player, understanding what causes penalties and how to avoid them. Because penalties greatly impact winning and losing. It’s one of the things where we’ve gotten an edge in many tight games, and just some of the things were cited before.
Somebody said we won a lot of these kind of games two years ago. Minus a couple of those penalties, we would have won another close game -this game.
QUESTION: You’ve talked about the quarterback, kicker and defense, if you boil it down is quarterback the most important thing?
COACH GROH: Actually, if you’ll check your notes I say every team needs a good quarterback, a good kicker and good defense. So it starts up on the top there. Sure, on every level. You just look and see.
QUESTION: One more. On that interception, Chris Cook seemed to have unbelievable determination. Like he wasn’t going down. It was almost like the offense can’t score, I’m going to score. Did you kind of sense that in watching the tape?
COACH GROH: I didn’t interpret it the same way that you did. But we run that drill every day. Actually throw the ball out into that area of the field every day, so it lined up nicely. It doesn’t often do that.
We got a couple of real good blocks on the play. But, yeah, and the drill is called “score drill.” So it’s when you catch the ball for the whole team to quickly transition into trying to be a scoring unit. So immediately when it was over I did think to myself the training kicked in. You know, it wasn’t just Chris. Darren Childs had a great block, lot of guys were really running. The whole unit kicked into “let’s try to turn this into a score.”