The Virginia Tech Marching Virginians will celebrate their alumni, their history and their future at their 2022 Alumni Weekend on Nov. 4-5.
Marching Virginians alums are encouraged to join in the fun surrounding the Hokies’ home football game with ACC rival Georgia Tech. All football fans are asked to bring a canned food item or monetary donation for the annual Hokies for the Hungry food drive.
“Each year, we have students who go above and beyond and make the MVs better than it was the year before. Each alumni band day is special because it’s a chance to connect with all of these people who made the MVs what it is today,” said Polly Middleton, director of the Marching Virginians.
On Friday, the Marching Virginians will host a concert and reception to celebrate the work of the late James Sochinski, professor emeritus and former director and music arranger for the band, who died Jan. 10.
Sochinski’s arrangements for the band, including “The Hokie Pokie,” have been heard by millions.
The concert is free and open to the community.
“Jim really developed the sound, music, and visuals that you see today,” Middleton said. “The Marching Virginians wouldn’t be the ensemble we are without Jim, and every group of students has been impacted by his leadership and musicianship. The opportunity to connect with alumni, celebrate the MVs, and remember Jim is a very special moment.”
The concert from 6:30 to 7 p.m. at the Sochinski-McKee Marching Virginians Center at 821 Southgate Drive on the Blacksburg campus, will feature Sochinski’s arrangements. It will be followed by a toast in his honor at 7:15 p.m. and a reception at 7:30 p.m.
On Saturday, Marching Virginians alumni and current band members will break into roaming pep bands for the Hokies for the Hungry food drive and head out to different tailgate locations around Lane Stadium.
They will play fan favorites in exchange for canned food items or monetary donations, all of which will go to the Montgomery County Christmas Store, which purchases items, such as clothes, toiletries, and toys to give to eligible shoppers during the holidays.
The food drive has been a staple for the Marching Virginians since 2001 and continues to grow each year.
“I can’t wait to see what the band will do this year — it is always an amazing effort, and a great opportunity for the band to work together toward the goal of serving our community through the Montgomery County Christmas Store,” Middleton said. “Two years ago, the alumni got involved with their own fundraiser in conjunction with the band’s effort, and we are all excited to see how that will increase this year with the alumni to help us with Hokies for the Hungry.”
After the food drive effort, all Marching Virginians will return to Lane Stadium for the game and the halftime performance, which will honor Sochinski and showcase his music.
More details about Alumni Weekend are online. Late registration is available by emailing [email protected].