During the week of Monday, August 19, 2024, motorists should expect detours and changing traffic patterns on the Route 33 (East Market Street) project in Harrisonburg.
The project will replace the two Route 33 bridges with a single bridge over Interstate 81 at exit and replaces the two railway bridges with a single bridge over the Norfolk Southern Railway, located just west of the Route 33 and I-81 interchange.
A new traffic pattern, lasting 10 to 12 months, will be set up the week of August 19 to allow demolition of the existing westbound railroad bridge and construction of the westbound lanes on the new bridge over the railroad and future shared-use path on the new railroad bridge.
Changes will take place on Thursday, August 22, 2024 and Friday, August 23, 2024 featuring lane shifts and closures, mostly around the Route 33 eastbound railroad bridge. All Route 33 eastbound and westbound travel lanes will narrow down to single lanes in each direction and use the Route 33 eastbound railroad bridge.
All work is weather permitting.
The work will proceed as follows:
From 8 p.m. on August 22 to 5 a.m. on August 23 all eastbound Route 33 lanes will be closed between Carlton Street and Burgess Road/Linda Lane. The detour will have eastbound Route 33 traffic turn right onto South Carlton Street, left on Reservoir Street, left on Evelyn Byrd Avenue, then left onto Burgess Road/Linda Lane to return to Route 33. During this closure and detour crews will set up for the traffic pattern change onto the Route 33 eastbound railroad bridge.
On August 23 at 5 a.m. the overnight lane closures will end. The Route 33 eastbound railroad bridge will begin supporting all Route 33 eastbound and westbound traffic. This will be achieved by having westbound Route 33 traffic switch to a new alignment, west of the westbound Route 33 entrance ramp with southbound I-81.
Westbound traffic approaching the railroad bridge will shift across the newly constructed median area onto the eastbound railroad bridge. After crossing the bridge, westbound traffic will shift back across the median area to the existing westbound lanes, between Martin Luther King, Jr. Way and South Carlton Street.
Eastbound traffic approaching the railroad bridge will be reduced to a single lane between South Carlton Street and Martin Luther King, Jr. Way. Upon exiting the railroad bridge, eastbound traffic will return to two eastbound lanes, prior to the I-81 southbound ramp from eastbound Route 33.
In addition to the traffic pattern change on the Route 33 eastbound railroad bridge, a traffic pattern change will also take place on Martin Luther King, Jr. Way between Route 33 and Reservoir Street.
On Martin Luther King, Jr. Way, the left-turn lane will be closed just prior to the Route 33 intersection. Left-turns will not be permitted from Martin Luther King, Jr. Way onto westbound Route 33. The restriction will reduce conflict points for westbound traffic exiting the Route 33 eastbound railroad bridge.
Right turns from Martin Luther King, Jr. way onto eastbound Route 33 will be permitted.
Motorists on Reservoir Street wanting to use Martin Luther King, Jr. Way to access westbound Route 33 will be directed to proceed on Reservoir Street and turn right onto South Carlton Street and then turn left onto westbound Route 33. Detour signs will be installed on Reservoir Street and Martin Luther King, Jr. Way.
In July 2022, a $43.3 million contract was awarded to Triton Construction Inc. of Virginia, headquartered in St. Albans, W.Va. to replace the two Route 33 bridges over I-81 at exit 247 and the two railway bridges just west of the interchange. The project includes several improvements to the exit 247 interchange. A work-zone speed limit of 25 miles an hour is in place on Route 33 for the duration of the project, which is scheduled for completion in summer 2026.