Home Summer playground safety: Thermal burn awareness for parents, kids
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Summer playground safety: Thermal burn awareness for parents, kids


CharlottesvilleThe City of Charlottesville and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission want you to be aware of the risk of thermal burns from playground equipment. You may remember the metal slide of your youth and how they could get very hot in the summer sun, but what you may not realize is that today’s newer materials also have the potential to become hot enough to burn a child’s skin.

Be aware of metal equipment, slides, swings, or other equipment that a child may sit on, dark colored plastic and rubber surfacing, especially the surfacing under and around the playground equipment and asphalt and concrete surfaces near playgrounds. The weather does not have to be hot in order for equipment to heat up and cause burns, even in mild weather there is a risk of sustaining a thermal burn injury.

A child of any age can be burned by a hot surface, however, children 2 years and younger are most at risk. A child’s skin will burn faster than your own, If it feels hot to your hand, it may be too hot for a child’s bare skin.

What can you as a parent or supervisor do?

  • Always dress your child in appropriate clothing for the playground, that includes shoes and pants.
  • Always watch your children while on the playground. Good supervision can help to prevent some incidents.



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