The Surgeon General’s report on the benefits of regular exercise brings together, for the first time, what has been learned about physical activity, and health from decades of research.
– People, who are usually inactive, can greatly improve their health and well being by becoming even moderately active on a regular basis.
– Physical activity need not be strenuous to achieve significant health benefits.
– Greater health benefits can be achieved by increasing the amount (duration, frequency, or intensity) of physical activity.
Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing or dying from some of the leading causes of illness and death in the U.S. Regular physical activity improves your health in the following ways:
– Reduces the risk of dying prematurely
– Reduces the risk of dying from heart disease
– Reduces the risk of developing diabetes
– Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure
– Reduces the blood pressure in those, who already have high blood pressure
– Reduces the risk of developing cancer
– Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety
– Significantly helps control your weight
– Helps build healthy bones, muscles, and joints
– Significantly reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis
– Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move without falling, and Promotes psychological well being
Based upon the Surgeon General’s information, Anytime Fitness, located in the Waynesboro Town Shopping Center near Target and Kohl’s, is inviting men and woman that do no currently exercise to volunteer to participate in a free 21-Day Fitness Study. The purpose of the study is to determine what positive effects non-exercisers can expect by completing the Anytime Fitness 30 minute circuits, three times per week for three weeks. There are some requirements for the volunteers to qualify to be a participant:
– They must not be exercising currently
– They must agree to complete three 30-minute circuits a week for three weeks. The level of exercise is customized to each individuals fitness level
– They will complete a brief fitness profile at the beginning and at the conclusion of the study
The fitness profile will measure the following medical components:
– Resting heart rate
– Blood pressure systolic/diastolic
– Percentage of body fat
– Body-mass index (The makeup of the general body mass and the amount of body fat):
Anytime Fitness is conducting this Fitness Study nationally and will be gathering results from hundreds of clubs. The goal of the Fitness Study is to determine what results can be expected with non-exercisers completing three weeks of moderate exercise utilizing the Anytime Fitness circuit for 30 minutes three times per week for three weeks. Individual results will be kept confidential.
Judi Kay, local Anytime Fitness owner, said: “The key to the positive results we are looking for with The Fitness Study is the support we give to the volunteers, just like our members. The 30-minute workouts are specifically designed to fit their own level. The workouts are designed to increase their lean muscle and decrease their body fat. We are with them every step of the way offering instruction and motivation for nine training sessions. It’s like having their own personal trainer at each workout”.
If you’d like to volunteer, call Anytime Fitness at 540.941.5993.
Volunteers must register for the Fitness Study by Oct. 20, 2009.