A cat has tested positive for the rabies virus in Mechanicsville, according to a statement issued by the Chickahominy Health District in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Health.
The white/grey cat was found in the area of Meadowbridge Road near Ellerson Farm Drive, Franklin Lane and Ellerson Station Drive.
The cat no longer poses a threat to the public, according to CHD.
Anyone who may have had exposure to a cat meeting this description through a bite, scratch or contact with saliva by open wound or eyes, nose or mouth, is asked to contact the Hanover Health Department at (804) 365-4313 or the Hanover County Animal Control office at (804) 365-6140.
Exposure may also include direct contact between your pet and the rabid animal.
No image of the infected cat was provided.
Rabies is a fatal, but preventable, disease carried by mammals that is endemic to the area.
Rabies prevention guidelines
- Vaccinate your pets
- Report all exposures to animals (usually bites and scratches) to your doctor and the local health department
- Enjoy wildlife from a distance. Do not feed or encourage wild animals such as raccoons, skunks or foxes to visit your premises