The City of Harrisonburg has been awarded the highest possible score in the Virginia Active Transportation Index.
In a report from BikeWalk Virginia, Harrisonburg was one of only three Virginia localities to earn the highest VATI score. The VATI is used to provide a comprehensive picture of biking and walking resources in a locality. The state’s 39 cities, 95 counties and 157 incorporated towns were surveyed. Harrisonburg earned the perfect score of 11 by meeting all of the elements in the index.
These elements are a comprehensive transportation plan, bicycle plan, pedestrian plan, greenway plan, bicycle advisory committee, pedestrian advisory committee, a law requiring persons aged 14 and under to wear bike helmets, paved bike trails and striped bike lanes. The findings also include identification of localities that reported receiving an Enhancement Grant from the Virginia Department of Transportation.
“It is always nice to get recognized,” said Thanh Dang, Public Works Planner. “All of the work and effort to make bicycling and walking safer could not have been done without the collaborative dedication of city staff and citizens in our community.”
BikeWalk Virginia conducted the survey in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Health, the Virginia Department of Transportation and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. The report was funded by a DMV safety grant.
The other localities that earned perfect VATI scores are Alexandria and Arlington County. As part of the ongoing efforts that earned this score, the city will hold a Bicycle & Pedestrian Plans Public Input Meeting on Tuesday September 29, 2009 from 6:30‐8:30 p.m. at Thomas Harrison Middle School.
Additional information about VATI is available on the BikeWalk Virginia website:
More information about City of Harrisonburg’s Bicycle & Pedestrian efforts is available at