Home Greg Thrasher: White voters wanted Donald Trump back in the White House
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Greg Thrasher: White voters wanted Donald Trump back in the White House

Greg Thrasher
donald trump white voters
(© Johnny Silvercloud – Shutterstock)

So many people, aka majority White people, want to deflect the outcome of Donald Trump’s victory by blaming minorities, when in fact the sole reason Trump won the election was because of White Americans those that voted for Trump and those that didn’t vote at all.

America is a majority White nation, and this fact continues to be the basis for public policy as well as foreign policy.

With this return of Donald Trump to the White House, nothing has changed with the politics of the GOP in America.

White Americans wanted Trump to be POTUS, and that is exactly what they got.

I know reality bites, but so is the reality that something is amiss in my country where a man of Trump’s character is the POTUS.

I can’t ignore his wealth, privilege and endless opportunities as a White man to not overcome his mistakes, but to never be accountable nor punished for his mistakes. Failure for White men like Trump never alters the trajectory of their life. They are immune from their failures solely because of not what they do wrong, but because of who they are

This is not an America that wants people that looks like me or my sisters, friends and associates. This America which elected Trump as our President reminded me of this reality once again

Black Americans have survived living in America for centuries under violence and hate that is beyond humanity and even the darkest evil. We are built for it, and we will survive and even prosper because that is who we have been for centuries in America.

Greg Thrasher blogs at Plane Ideas.