Del. Robert G. “Bob” Marshall (R-13) and 31 other delegates, including both Republicans and Democrats, asked Gov. Terry McAuliffe on Friday to appoint a special counsel to defend the Virginia Constitution against litigation pending to overturn the state constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.
“In light of the fact that newly installed Attorney General, Mark Herring, has announced that he will not only not defend the Constitution as he swore to do just 13 days ago, but will actively support the litigation pending to overturn the Marriage Amendment, we are calling on the Governor to appoint a special counsel to do the job that Mr. Herring is refusing to do,” said Marshall.
“For Mr. Herring to choose to leave Virginians without a voice in court to defend the voter approved Marriage Amendment is appalling. Apparently it is unconstitutional for Virginia’s citizens to disagree with Mr. Herring.”