Home Bob Marshall: McAuliffe thinks he can get away with it
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Bob Marshall: McAuliffe thinks he can get away with it


“If [Governor-elect] Mr. McAuliffe thinks he can usurp powers of the legislature, he’s courting a divorce before the honeymoon… this is Virginia, not Washington.”

bob marshallThat’s what I told the Charlottesville NBC affiliate recently when asked to comment about McAuliffe’s plan to extend special protections to certain classes of state employees without authority from the General Assembly.

Governors execute laws, they don’t make them.  (VA Constitution, Art. IV, Sec. 1).  If McAuliffe thinks he can change Virginia laws by “Executive Orders” just like Obama is doing in Washington, I will oppose him at every turn.  But I need your support to succeed.

I challenged Obamacare in 2010 when I wrote the Health Care Freedom Act that AG Ken Cuccinelli relied on to be the first to sue on Obama’s so-called Affordable Care Act.  Obama Administration figures show up to 1,350,000 Virginians, not including dependents, will lose their present insurance by 2015, and will have to pay more (double or more) for coverage they don’t want and can’t use.

McAuliffe is proposing so many new programs he will either have to tax us more or try to generate new revenue through false promises like casino gambling.

Will Republican leaders stop this? I hope so, but our Republican Governor, Speaker and some Assembly members pushed through the biggest tax increase in Virginia history this year with a provision to increase gas taxes in January, 2015 without a separate vote by the Assembly.

While McAuliffe talks bipartisanship, the Washington Post quoted him (9/14/13) as saying, “I will not sign a budget in Virginia unless it includes Medicaid expansion …”  He thinks expanding Medicaid is a jobs program.  This expansion will not help the poor or taxpayers.  My HB 39, will help poor patients without Washington red-tape or breaking Virginia’s budget.  (see http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?141+sum+HB39)

During the campaign, Terry McAuliffe said “… he would wine and dine people in Richmond to get things done. …  he would not delve into … every piece of legislation but would instead hire others to read bills for him.” (Washington Post  9/19/13).   I seriously question this style of governing.  And when he and other Democrats repeated lies about Ken Cuccinelli, I paid for a TV ad showing the claims to be false because the truth matters.

I’ve never voted for a tax increase since being elected in 1991.  Citizens should not be used like ATM machines by Democrat or Republican tax hikers.

I have overridden Governors four times. In 2008, I won a unanimous decision against then-Governor Tim Kaine in Virginia’s Supreme Court striking down a law which set up unelected taxing authorities.  Fourteen illegal taxes ended.   Please help me continue to stand up for you

McAuliffe raised $37 Million in his race.  He will raise big money from Hollywood and New York to beat delegates like myself.  My opponent, helped by McAuliffe, raised $376,000 to my $96,000, and came within 498 votes of defeating me in November.  That’s why I must rely on your generosity!

Mother Jones magazine, (11/15/13) reports that McAuliffe intimidates and silences opponents.  His attorney threatened Washington Post editors with a libel suit and McAuliffe bragged about calling New York Daily News owner Mort Zuckerman who then fired a Daily News reporter.

This year, a 20+ year veteran Richmond AP reporter and his boss were fired for a story retracted within two hours which reported McAuliffe had lied to a federal investigator.  (The main story that McAuliffe had invested in an insurance death benefits scam was true.)  Help me stand up to McAuliffe’s political machine when they try to silence me and other Republicans willing to stand up for you!

McAuliffe calls himself “the woman’s candidate,” yet he wants substandard abortion clinics, which have been cited with hundreds of pages of health violations to remain open in violation of Virginia law.  How does this help women?

He also wants his friend to become Secretary of State, to be responsible for 4,000 patronage jobs.  This man misled police to protect democrats later convicted of slashing the tires of 25 vans rented by the Republican Party for the 2004 election.  I cannot, in conscience, vote to confirm him.

Terry McAuliffe opposes my 2006 voter approved Marshall-Newman one-man, one-woman Marriage Amendment and wants Virginia to comply fully with Obamacare.  The Founders warned that we must abide by the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, or we will lose our Liberties and leave our children an over-taxed country devoid of values.

Last year, Republican House of Delegates leaders refused to hold hearings on my bills protecting Virginians from being forced to pay for abortion pills, sterilizations and birth control.  I have introduced the bills again.  Conscience should be defended, not trampled.  We must stand up for our beliefs and First Amendment!

Some of my bills for 2014 include:

  • Repealing the January 2015 gas tax hike
  • Studying the National Security Administration’s Fourth Amendment violations
  • Requiring phone companies to inform subscribers if NSA accessed their records
  • Setting up a commission to study returning Shenandoah National Park to Virginia
  • Allowing school personnel to volunteer to receive state police firearms training to protect students
  • Banning sex selection abortions
  • Reporting gifts to family members of elected officials

We’ve never had a Governor capable of raising so much out-of-state money from so many left-leaning groups.  Planned Parenthood, global warming zealots and deep-pocketed Democrats from Hollywood and New York, will all help McAuliffe raise funds for democrat candidates.

We can’t let them take over Virginia with tens of millions in out-of-state dollars!

Bob Marshall is a member of the Virginia House of Delegates.



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