The calendar of events ongoing in the Augusta County Library System.
Thursday, Nov. 12, 11 am: Second Thursday Book Club. Ages 18 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Nov. 12, 10 am: Momma Goose Rhymes – Lapsit program for babies up to age 2 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Nov. 12, 6:30 pm: Middlebrook Knitters. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005
Thursday, Nov. 12, 5:30 pm: Meet the Writer. Clifford Garstang, award-winning author, discusses his new novel, In an Uncharted Country. A former Peace Corps volunteer, Garstang’s work in international law and legal reform have taken him around the world. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005
Thursday, Nov. 12, 6:30 pm: Knit Together – Knitting and crocheting enthusiasts of all skill levels meet with Peggy Vreuls. Ages 6 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Saturday, Nov. 14, 11 am: Storytime in the Village. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005
Saturday, Nov. 14, 3 pm: Thanksgiving Re-enacted: NOT! Civil War re-enactors on culture, food, dress and how Thanksgiving was observed (or not). Black powder demonstration. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Monday, Nov. 16, 6:30 pm: Fantabulous Family Fun. Storytime for all ages. Free. Youth program room, Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Monday, Nov. 16, 6:30 pm: Chess Knights – Learn to play, discover new strategies, challenge others. Free. Augusta County Library, 949-6354 or 885-3961
Tuesday, Nov. 17, 9:30 or 11 am: Terrific Toddler Time. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages 2-3 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Tuesday, Nov. 17, 4 pm: Cool After School. Book talk, crafts, snack for K-3rd grade. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 10:30 am: Storytime for Toddlers. Free. Churchville Branch Library. 245-5287
Wednesday, Nov. 18, 11 am & 1 pm: Precious Preschoolers. Interactive storytime followed by a craft for children ages 3-5 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Nov. 19, 10 am: Momma Goose Rhymes – Lapsit program for babies up to age 2 and their caregivers. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Nov. 19, 6 pm: Rappin’ wit’ Revere. Jive with Paul Revere. Part of “We the People” project. “Read-iculous Rascals” (K-2nd grade). Sign up by 11/16. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Nov. 19, 6:30 pm: Knit Together – Knitting and crocheting enthusiasts of all skill levels meet with Peggy Vreuls. Ages 6 & up. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961
Thursday, Nov. 19, 6:30 pm: Middlebrook Knitters. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005
Saturday, Nov. 21, 11 am: Storytime in the Village. Free. Middlebrook Library Station. 885-1005
Monday, Nov. 23: CAN YOUR FINES! begins. One overdue fine will be removed for every can of food donated. Food is collected for the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. Can drive continues until Jan. 2.
Thursday and Friday, Nov. 26 & 27: Augusta County Library CLOSED. Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, Nov. 28, 2 pm: Strategerie! New family program. Sharpen your skills in Warhammer and other strategic battle games. Free. Augusta County Library, Fishersville 949-6354 or 885-3961.