The Capital Wing of the Commemorative Air Force will wrap up its 2020 Warbird Rides season at Shannon Airport in Fredericksburg on Saturday, Oct. 31 as part of the Shannon Harvest Festival, sponsored by the Shannon Air Museum and the Virginia Aviation Hall of Fame.
“The Capital Wing has been a supporter of the Shannon Harvest Festival for the past few years, and we’re delighted to be back again this year. We’ll be providing rides in our Stinson L-5 Sentinel forward air controller aircraft and Boeing PT-17 Stearman open cockpit bi-plane primary trainer,” said Pete Ballard, assistant adjutant of the Capital Wing.
Warbird rides will be available in the Capital Wing WWII aircraft throughout the day.
Rides start at $89. Advance tickets can be purchased thru the main page of the Capital Wing website at or by emailing [email protected] and asking for tickets.
Ride tickets will also be sold on site the day of the event for any flight times still available. In addition to the vintage aircraft in the air, the Capital Wing will bring its PX trailer where dog tags, airplane models, ball caps, tee shirts and other items with an aviation theme will be available for sale.
“We really enjoy being at the Shannon Harvest Festival because it is a true family event. There’s something for everyone to enjoy. The kids have a great time dressing up in Halloween costumes and everyone enjoys watching our WWII airplanes take to the skies,” said Ballard. “If you choose to take a Warbird Ride, it is really an opportunity to experience what those young men did during WWII. You get to sit in those seats of our nation’s heroes and think about the sights and the sounds and the smells and really take it in.”