Ken Farmer, of Antiques Roadshow fame, will be at The Wayne Theatre speaking about his expertise in the field of appraisals and antiques.
He will also be appraising several pieces he has chosen from submissions by area residents. There will also be a few live auction items to bid on to help support the theatre.
There will be a reception prior to the appraisals at 6pm with food/drink and a chance to visit with Ken. The reception along with the appraisal event has an admission price of $75.
The appraisal part of the evening begins at 7:30pm. The charge for only the appraisal event without the reception is $25. Doors open at 7pm.
If you are interested in submitting an item to be considered for appraisal, you must purchase a ticket to either of the above events. Please send along a picture of your item, with size/ dimensions, a description and provenance, and contact information to [email protected].
You will be notified prior to the event if your item has been chosen to be appraised on stage by Ken Farmer. The submission deadline is September 1, 2017.
Again, a ticket must be purchased to submit an item to be considered for appraisal.