Two members of the Augusta County Clerk of Circuit Court staff have recently been recognized for professional achievement.
Senior Deputy Clerk Gina R. Coffey was recently recognized in February for 30 years of service with the office, and Deputy Clerk Rebecca L. Kimble achieved the Virginia Court Clerk’s Association Master Deputy Circuit Court Clerk Certification in March.
“The Augusta County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office is very proud and pleased with both Gina Coffey’s and Becky Kimble’s accomplishments,” Augusta County Clerk of Circuit Court Steve Landes said. “Both ladies demonstrate each day the professionalism and experience for which the clerk’s office staff has become known in serving the citizens of Augusta County.”
Coffey was hired by former Clerk of Circuit Court John B. Davis on Feb. 1, 1991. Coffey was presented with a 30-year Service Certificate Plaque and an Augusta County Administrator’s Challenge Coin in February.
She achieved her VCCA Master Deputy Circuit Court Clerk Certification in 2016.
Kimble was hired by former Clerk of Circuit Court Carol M. Brydge in 2018. She achieved her VCCA Master Deputy Circuit Court Clerk Certification on March 3.
The Augusta County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office is in Downtown Staunton at the Augusta County Courthouse. The clerk serves as the recorder of deeds and probate judge, issues marriage licenses and is the official court administrator for all civil and criminal cases.
The clerk creates and maintains all court files and records, prepares court orders and jury lists, contacts jurors and issues summons and court processes.
More information about the services of the Augusta County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office can be found online at