Republican gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli, trailing in the polls heading into the final weekend of the 2013 election, is playing up his opposition to Obamacare to try to stir up his political base.
Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s office on Friday sent out a press release touting how Cuccinelli “applauded the efforts of employers in Virginia and elsewhere” challenging the IRS on, ahem, Obamacare.
These two Ken Cuccinellis are, yes, one and the same.
“If our employers can avoid this crushing new $2,000 per employee annual federal penalty, that’s more money they can use to expand their businesses and create more jobs in the commonwealth. Even though the mandate has been postponed a year, in this economy, it would still be a job killer to assess such a heavy-handed tax on Virginia businesses,” Cuccinelli was quoted in the press release.
Cuccinelli was already under fire for his decision to take his full state salary and benefits while spending the bulk of his time in recent months on the campaign trail. According to a report in the Virginian Pilot on Friday, Cuccinelli was only on the job for 26 percent of the days in July, August and the first two weeks of September while taking his full $150,000-a-year salary and benefits.