Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07) today joined fellow members of the Problem Solvers Caucus — comprised of 25 Democrats and 25 Republicans — to unveil the caucus’ “March to Common Ground” framework to help break the gridlock on the latest COVID-19 relief package.
This morning, Spanberger spoke outside the U.S. Capitol to help announce the bipartisan framework, which was developed after listening to constituents and reaching out to businesses and community organizations over the past six weeks.
The bipartisan package focuses on key areas of need — including COVID-19 testing, unemployment insurance, broadband internet, direct payments, worker and liability protection, small business and non-profit support, food security, schools and child care, housing, election support, and state and local aid.
Click here to watch Spanberger’s remarks.
“Every day, I hear the personal, heartbreaking stories of dire healthcare and financial situations facing Central Virginians. Working families are struggling to pay the bills after the loss of a job. Small businesses are hurting and unable to give their employees the assurance of long-term employment. Schools are unsure of when they will return to normal, and healthcare workers continue to be on the front lines of a global pandemic that has yet to be contained in our country. Standing on the sidelines in this moment of national uncertainty is out of the question,” said Spanberger. “The people of Central Virginia expect their elected officials to pursue common ground — and this package provides an opportunity for Congress to move forward and do its job in the face of these circumstances. We need to focus on supporting the programs that matter to our constituents — not worry about the short-term political implications of legislation, and leadership in both parties must get back to the negotiating table.”
Specifically, the framework is designed for a six-month horizon and through the next inauguration, except for state and local funding, which extends for a full year.
Depending on the severity of the pandemic and if a successful vaccination program is adopted by March 2021, a system of automatic “boosters” are designed to incrementally increase the amount of relief to individuals and families.
Conversely, a system of “reducers” will decrease the total cost of the package.
Click here to read the full framework.