Wow we have had fantastic Second Wind programs and speakers so far in January and the month isn’t over!
Jim Coate’s Travelogue to Alaska on January 9th at the Highland Public Library was absolutely amazing! Jim’s photos of Alaska were stunning and his stories about the trip were very entertaining. We were treated by Jim to photos and stories not only from his motorcycle ride from Arlington, Virginia to Alaska but also to Uruguay. If you missed this amazing travelogue you can see some of Jim’s photos and read the blog Jim kept during his travels by following this link Thank you Jim for sharing your travels with us!
Speaking of vicarious travel I hope you will make plans to join us at 3 PM on Friday, January 30, 2015 at the Highland County Public Library for Wes’ Maupin’s Travelogue to Scotland and England.
Next week Emeritus Senior Living Community in Staunton will host a FREE lunch for seniors from Highland County to visit with friends from Highland who are now living at Emeritus. After lunch we will be shopping at Walmart.
January 20, Tuesday. Lunch with friends from Highland County living at Emeritus Senior Living Community in Staunton. Free lunch sponsored by Emeritus! Leave the Highland Center at 10 AM. Call 468-2178 for pick up at your home. Followed by shopping in Staunton.
Shopping and lunch. Staunton, VA. Discounts for seniors at select stores in Staunton.
Monterey pickup locations and times:
10AM Modular building parking lot at the Highland Center, Spruce St.
10:05 AM Highland Public Library, N. Water Street.
McDowell and other locations in the county call 468-2178 to arrange pickup
If you aren’t busy on Wednesday, January 21st between 11 and 1 come to the McDowell Presbyterian Church for lunch and bingo!
January 21, Wednesday **NEW** Luncheon, McDowell, VA. 11 AM – 1 PM. McDowell Presbyterian Church, McDowell.
Lunch cost: $2.50. BINGO! Fun! Fellowship! Free Blood Pressure Screening!
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