Murder mystery fans are in for dinner and a treat this weekend at Crimora Community Center when Crimora Players presents “Where There’s a Will, There’s a Murder.”
Ten individuals learn at an island getaway that they are distant relatives. Then, they learn that a relative who recently died has left each of them $1 million in his will.
Crimora Players usually performs locally written productions, but this piece fits into their repertoire.
“It’s hard to pick a play,” said Crimora Players founder Irene Cash, “because we operate on no money. Everything we make, we pay expenses and give it away.”
The group has very little funds to pay for the rights for productions and the actors perform as volunteers so that all proceeds raised may benefit a local individual.
Proceeds from this weekend’s show will benefit Anita Gwin of Verona, a recent double lung transplant patient. In September 2023, Gwin was in late stage four of COPD and emphysema and was told nothing more could be done for her. She needed to be hooked up to oxygen 24/7.
According to Cash, the Crimora Players do not specify what a recipient must use the funds for that are raised from a production.
“We don’t specify what it has to be used for. If they need gas to go to town, they use it. They need groceries, they use it. We don’t say it’s gotta be medical expenses, because you might need something else,” Cash said.
Linda Cash, a cousin of Irene Cash, is back in “Where There’s a Will” as an actor after a break and serving as a recipient herself of a production’s proceeds. Linda Cash had a heart attack in January 2023 and her husband had just been diagnosed with cancer.
“So, this is the first time I’ve been back in over a year,” Linda Cash said.
Proceeds from a Crimora Players show helped pay on she and her husband’s medical bills. She owed nearly $50,000 in medical bills after having a heart attack.
When she had a heart attack, Cash did not have health insurance. The couple is still paying on her husband’s medical bills.
“It’s good that you can give back to someone else,” Linda Cash said of the opportunity to perform in a production again and help another member of the community.
She said that acting on the Crimora stage serves as therapy for her.
“It makes you feel good when you can help somebody a little bit,” Irene Cash said.
“Where There’s a Will” will be performed Friday, July 26, 2024 and Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. (doors open at 5:30 p.m.), and on Sunday, July 28, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. (doors open at 12:30 p.m.). Before each performance, a dinner will be served.
Performances and dinner are at the Crimora Community Center, 1648 New Hope & Crimora Road, Crimora. Tickets for dinner and the play are $15 per person. Call or email to reserve tickets, because seating is limited. Call Irene at 540-943-9967 or Teresa at 540-487-0526, or email [email protected].
“Where There’s a Will There’s a Murder” is produced by special arrangement with Brooklyn Publishers, LLC in association with Heuer Publishing LLC.
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