Home Planned Parenthood applauds Governor’s Medicaid announcement
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Planned Parenthood applauds Governor’s Medicaid announcement


healthcarePlanned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia praised the announcement by Governor McAuliffe to include funding for Medicaid expansion in his budget as demonstrating his commitment to the 400,000 hardworking Virginians in need of affordable healthcare.

“We commend and fully support Governor McAuliffe for standing up for the women and families whose health and well-being depend on his leadership,” said Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia Executive Director Cianti Stewart-Reid. “While Republican leadership has focused on political maneuvering, Governor McAuliffe has fought to fulfill his promise of health care for all Virginians,” said Stewart-Reid.

In September, Governor McAuliffe unveiled his A Healthy Virginia plan, a 10-step plan that included access to dental services for pregnant women in Medicaid and FAMIS MOMS, as well as other incremental measures. Despite this important first step, many Virginians remain without basic, affordable health care. It is now up to the Republican controlled legislature to put aside their differences and approve the Governor’s budget.

“Around 169,000 Virginia women ages 18-64 could gain access to life-saving preventative care as a result of health care expansion. Medicaid expansion is also smart fiscal policy. By expanding Medicaid in January 2016, Virginia could save over $100 million in the first six months,” stated Stewart-Reid.

Women are disproportionately impacted by the lack of Medicaid expansion due to less access to critical reproductive health care, including family planning, breast health screenings and other preventive care. Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia will continue to support Governor McAuliffe’s efforts to get Virginians the affordable, quality health care they need.



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