In preparation for today’s congressional hearing on proposed reductions to the National Guard, Lt. Gov. Ralph Norham sent a letter, in partnership with other lieutenant governors from throughout the country, asking the President and Congress to carefully reconsider the proposed federal funding cuts to the state’s National Guard.
“Later today National Guard Bureau Chief General Frank Grass will testify to the U.S. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee for Defense on the proposed reductions,” said Lt. Gov. Northam. “As a policy maker, I understand the need to revise and balance budgets at every level of government. However, the National Guard is an incredibly efficient part of our homeland security and public safety efforts in the Commonwealth and beyond. Reductions to their budgets must be carefully considered, and my colleagues and I support the maintenance of their operational funding.”
In recent years the Virginia National Guard has helped respond to winter storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes that have hit the Commonwealth. Additionally, numerous Virginia National Guard units have been deployed to serve overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Nearly forty of the seconds-in-command in the states and territories co-signed a letter noting various proposed National Guards cuts would return funding to a pre-9/11 level and requesting that such cuts be reconsidered. A copy of the letter co-signed by Lt. Governor Northam is posted online here, at the National Lieutenant Governors Association (NLGA) web site.