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Keller, Masdon tabbed for promotions at VMI

vmi athleticsTwo VMI athletics staff members, Hillary Masdon and Sarah Keller, have been tabbed for promotions in their respective departments. Keller rises to the position of Assistant AD for Facilities and Compliance while Masdon will take over as an Assistant Athletic Trainer.

Keller, who previously served as the Assistant AD for Academic Services, begins her new duties immediately and will now oversee the planning for and execution of all home athletic events. This involves serving as the athletic department liaison to various offices, both on-Post and off, and also acting as the administrator for special events, including all postseason events. Keller will also serve as one of VMI’s compliance officers. She became N4A certified in the summer of 2015, and prior to VMI, spent time at Toledo and at the Gordie Center for Substance Abuse Prevention in Charlottesville.

Masdon served as a seasonal athletic trainer during the 2015-16 academic year and effective July 1, will become a full-time assistant, working primarily with women’s soccer and lacrosse. She has spent this year serving in a support role with the football program and as the main athletic trainer for the men’s and women’s track and field programs, in addition to acting as a clinical instructor for students from Western Carolina. She is a 2012 graduate of Auburn and earned her masters degree from Chattanooga. Masdon has been a member of the National Athletic Trainers Association since 2013.



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