Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose are set to be part of what is being billed as a double main event at WWE Hell in a Cell on Sunday night.
It’s not surprising that WWE feels the need to call it a double main event and have the other half of the main event being John Cena vs. Randy Orton for the umpteenth time: creative isn’t sure that Rollins and Ambrose are ready to carry a pay-per-view (if we can still call them that in the WWE Network). Which is a shame in two respects, one that as cool as it is to finally see Rollins and Ambrose in a main event, it feels watered down being paired with another, lesser match, and two, Cena and Orton?
Credit to creative for trying to build something new around the veterans, especially with the conclusion to the Monday Night Raw go-home show, in which Rollins, following the decisive RKO delivered to Ambrose to give the team of Rollins, Orton and Kane the win over Ambrose and John Cena in the main event, delivered a surprise Curb Stomp to Orton, presumably his partner.
Intrigue, indeed. And then there was the stip added to the Cena-Orton match that the winner will get a shot against WWE champ Brock Lesnar, who is reportedly on the shelf until the Royal Rumble in January, which seems an eternity from now.
So we get a play-in match to the Rumble, we have Rollins breaking with The Authority, we have Ambrose and Rollins getting ready to raise Hell in a Cell, and now we’re ready.
Main Event: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose Call it what you will, but the match the show is named after is the main event. This one promises to be, well, hellacious. Rollins and Ambrose are the best two workers in the company, and are deserving of the ultimate prop that WWE has to offer. The special guest appearance on Raw this week by Hell in a Cell Hall of Famer Mick Foley is a hint to us that WWE has something special in store for this match. Another top-of-the-cage dive? Bank on it.
Semifinal match: John Cena vs. Randy Orton With the stip for the winner to get a title shot, we can go ahead and book Cena as the winner. The only question is what role, if any, Seth Rollins will play in the final outcome. Expect Rollins to get involved, pushing Orton in the direction of an eventual face-turn.
Big Show vs. Rusev Rusev continues his march through the midcard with another victory against an angry Show. Not sure who he gets next, though it would seem logical that a buildup to a Cena-Rusev match at WrestleMania 31 could be forthcoming.
Best of the Rest: The hope is that the Bella Twins, AJ Lee-Paige, Miz-Sheamus and Usos-Dust Brothers matches are done by just before 8:10 p.m. Eastern so that the Rollins-Ambrose match can get going with ring intros before 9, giving us about 45 minutes of mat classic. Think of it as an extended pre-show, and you’ll be ready for the fun stuff later on.
– Column by Chris Graham