“Look around, and you can see where the money goes.” And then Velma Ryan takes me on a quick tour of the ground floor of the Waynesboro Public Library to show me the children’s resource room, the public meeting rooms, the large-print book collection.
“We also supplement funding for library programs,” said Ryan, the president of the Friends of the Waynesboro Public Library, a nonprofit that raised $10,000 from its annual Book Sale fundraiser last year, and is gearing up for the Sale again this month.
The 45th annual Book Sale is set for Wednesday, Sept. 23, through Saturday, Sept. 26. The Sept. 23 kickoff is open to members of the Friends of the Waynesboro Public Library only. The sales pitch to become a member – memberships are available at the door – is to get the first crack at the Best Books section at the Book Sale.
“The vast majority of books are in the one- to three-dollar range. We have books up around fifty dollars, but those are books that are sometimes worth as much as two hundred or three hundred dollars, special books, special collections,” Friends of the Library volunteer Art Hendrickson said.
Among the items for sale, according to a list sent to me by Hendrickson, is a signed copy of my first book, Stop the Presses, a collection of my humor columns, for $6. Which is flattering, of course, having me up on the high end of the sale bin with books from a nice Civil War collection recently donated to the Friends that are in the $4 to $6 range, among others in that ballpark.
More details on the Book Sale:
– Wednesday, Sept. 23, 4-8 p.m., Members Only Night.
– Thursday, Sept. 24, and Friday, Sept. 25, 2-8 p.m. The sale is open to the general public.
– Saturday, Sept. 26, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Half Price Day.
– Info: www.waynesboro.va.us/library.php
– Story by Chris Graham