Elon Musk, who has 10 kids with an assembly line of mothers, thinks I’m the “awful” one because my wife and I decided long ago not to have kids.
As if it’s any of his damn business, right?
“There is an awful morality to those who deliberately have no kids: they are effectively demanding that other people’s kids take care of them in their old age. That’s messed up,” Musk wrote on Twitter, the company that he has run into the ground.
Some billionaire genius this guy is.
The reason Twitter isn’t working out for him: he hasn’t figured out a way to get the government to give him billions to run it, like he was able to do for his other businesses.
Funny how that works out: a guy pulls down billions from the government, and he becomes a billionaire.
Having the know-how to fleece dumb politicians doesn’t make you smart.
Certainly doesn’t give you any reason to think you’re a morality influencer.
Seriously, the issue here, per Musk, is that double income no kids folks don’t have kids to take care of them in their old age?
That’s why you’re supposed to have kids?
For my wife and me, the decision about kids wasn’t so much a decision as it was something that just happened.
We both grew up, let’s just say, less-than-privileged, and as we started in our careers, in journalism, not exactly a lucrative field, we didn’t want to bring a kid or kids into the world without first having some sense of financial stability.
That used to be called being responsible.
Then we decided to start our own business, the one that became Augusta Free Press, and yes, it’s a success now, but it took a while.
AFP was launched in 2002; I’d say it was around 2017, 2018 that we finally felt that we were doing OK.
AFP is a family business, a literal mom-and-pop. It took years of us dedicating 10, 12, 14, 16 hours a day, pretty much 365 days a year, for the better part of 15 years, to get it to where it is.
Kids didn’t fit in to the plans that we laid out for ourselves, and now that we’re to a point of being financially stable, we’re happy with our lives as they are: doting on our pack of six dogs, traveling, fulfillment from having awesome jobs that give us the ability to have positive impact on our community.
The weird flex on this from Musk is in line with his brand. Musk, last year, laughed off the disclosure that he’d fathered twins with the latest in his line of baby mommas with this message on Twitter: “Doing my best to help the underpopulation crisis. A collapsing birth rate is the biggest danger civilization faces by far.”
“Underpopulation crisis”?
“Collapsing birth rate”?
There’s already 8 billion of us here.
Ten percent of us go to bed hungry. Half of us don’t have access to clean water.
The demands on infrastructure to provide electricity for heat, cooling, transportation, irrigation, communication, are poisoning the air we breathe, heating up the atmosphere to a level that may make the planet uninhabitable at some point in the not-too-distant future.
But DINKs like my wife and me are the problem.
Sure, Jan.
Look, have all the kids you want.
Not saying here that people who want to bring kids into the world, for whatever reason or reasons they have, are doing anything wrong.
Neither are we, is my point here.
For what it’s worth, we’ll take care of ourselves in our old age, thank you very much.