The current inpatient COVID-19 census at Augusta Health is 10, with two deaths over the past week. The percentage of COVID-19 patients who are critical care/ICU level patients is 40 percent of hospitalized COVID patients.
In the 24 hours preceding 9 a.m. on Monday, nine new positive cases of COVID were diagnosed at Augusta Health testing sites.
Thanksgiving thoughts
At Thanksgiving, we all pause to remember the reasons we have to be grateful. There are so many things we have learned since the start of the pandemic—things that can give us hope.
This Thanksgiving, you can be grateful that:
- We know how to care for COVID patients.
- We know who is vulnerable and how to protect them.
- We have COVID vaccines that can prevent hospitalization and death.
- The COVID vaccines are safe, free and readily available.
- Herd immunity is developing through both vaccines and infections.
- We know that wearing masks and social distancing can protect others when COVID is prevalent.
- We have monoclonal antibodies that reduce hospitalizations.
- A new oral anti-viral medicine (Molnupiravir) is coming, which reduces hospitalizations by 50 percent.
Vaccination eligibility
Augusta Health is vaccinating everyone age 5 and older who lives, works or goes to school in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are authorized for individuals age 18 and over. Pfizer vaccine is authorized for individuals age 5 and older; a parent or legal guardian must be present to consent to vaccination of those under the age of 18. Booster criteria vary by vaccine, so please be aware of the criteria for the vaccine selected.
Children ages 5-11 years old:
To ensure patient safety and in awareness of the different dosage for the 5-11 year old age group, there are separate clinics for ages 5-11 only at the on-campus location. Again, a parent or legal guardian must be present to consent to vaccination of those under the age of 18.
Please make appointments at
Booster eligibility information:
Anyone over the age of 18 can receive third-dose COVID-19 booster shots.
When can you get the booster?
- At least 6 months after you completed your Pfizer or Moderna series
- If you’re immune suppressed and have completed either the Pfizer or Moderna series, you can get a 3rddose in 28 days
- At least 2 months after Johnson & Johnson vaccination
Which booster can you get?
- You can get any booster shot you prefer.
Make your appointment at
For patient safety concerns, vaccines will be offered on specific days. Please be sure make an appointment for a clinic that is offering the vaccine you want. If you are registering for a booster, and are switching vaccine, make an appointment for the type of booster you want. For example, if you originally received a Pfizer vaccine, but would like a Moderna booster, make an appointment in a Moderna clinic.
If you have questions about eligibility, please call Augusta Health’s Vaccination Call Center at (540) 332-5122.
Please bring your COVID Vaccination Record Card to the booster appointment.
Vaccinations in Primary Care Offices
Vaccinations for COVID-19 continue in all Augusta Medical Group primary care offices. Patients who prefer to receive a vaccination from their personal physician should contact their doctor’s office to be scheduled into the next available vaccination appointment block.
Community-Based Clinics
This week, Augusta Health’s Community Vaccination Team is providing boosters and vaccinations at schools and to other vulnerable populations in shelters, congregate living communities and apartment neighborhoods.
Community organizations that would like to partner with Augusta Health for a Vaccination Clinic can contact [email protected] for more information on the requirements.
Large on-campus Vaccination Clinics
Please make an appointment for on-campus clinics.
Go to to view the links and schedule an appointment. Information about new clinics, the links and the criteria for each link, are posted as available. On-campus clinics this week are:
- Tuesday: Pfizer Clinic for ages 5-11 only from 3-7 p.m. This clinic is for those ages 5-11 only. A parent or guardian must be present to consent to vaccination of the child under the age of 18. The link is open at
- Thursday, Dec. 2: Moderna Clinic and Johnson & Johnson Clinic from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For first dose, second dose or booster of Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccines; available to those age 18 and older. Please verify criteria for boosters and register for the desired vaccine. The links are open at
- Thursday, Dec. 2: Pfizer Clinic for ages 12 and over from 3-7 p.m. For first dose, second dose or booster of Pfizer vaccine; available to those age 12 and older. Please verify criteria for boosters. A parent or guardian must be present to consent to vaccination of a child under the age of 18. The link is open at
Vaccination Call Center
Not everyone has access to the internet. Others just have questions. For assistance, call Augusta Health’s Vaccination Call Center at (540) 332-5122. The Call Center is staffed Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm to answer questions and help to schedule vaccination appointments.
Homebound patients are being vaccinated through a pilot program with Central Shenandoah EMS. Contact the Vaccination Call Center for more information.