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Chris Graham: Chick-fil-A and free speech


Chick-fil-A is being threatened with more boycotts over its stance on gay marriage.

“I will never eat at Chick-fil-A again! Now I have to explain to my children why we can no longer eat at a place we have so heavily supported.”

That’s just one of the hundreds of comments popping up on the Chick-fil-a Facebook page after news reports this morning that the company is distancing itself from anti-gay groups.

The company is neither confirming nor denying the reports that it will no longer provide funding to groups that actively oppose equal rights for gays and lesbians, which as those of us who follow the news regularly suppose is a confirmation.

Which means the social conservatives who lit up Facebook a few weeks ago with denunciations of liberals who had taken to saying that they would never eat at a Chick-fil-A restaurant again in protest of the money that the company was doling out to anti-gay groups are now uncomfortably on the other side of the argument.

“Sorry you caved in to pressure. Back to KFC for me.” “Shame on your company … by cutting funding to the so called ‘anti-gay groups,’ which are simply pro-family and pro-traditional marriage, the liberals have won, and you have slappped everyone in the face who rallied around you in support a short time ago.”

“I will no longer support your business with my tummy or children’s tummy as I chose to no longer support companies that felt they would go public with supporting faggots, lesbians, queers, etc.”

So those denunciations from the social conservatives, which by and large focused on making the criticisms of liberals into attacks on free speech, are now … yeah … pretty much the same thing that they had went to great pains to label as attacks on free speech.

Somebody call Mike Huckabee. His whole Chick-fil-A Day thing a few weeks back was about free speech, wasn’t it?

Which reminds me … it’s close to lunchtime as I’m writing this. Need to make a lunch run.

More at www.TheWorldAccordingToChrisGraham.com.



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