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Chris Graham: Cain’s turn?


It was Mitt Romney. Then Donald Trump. Then Michele Bachmann. Next up was Rick Perry. Now it’s Herman Cain’s turn to set the pace for the GOP presidential field.

Cain holds leads across the country in polls conducted by Public Policy Polling – in eight states of the nine that PPP has surveyed in the past two weeks.

And even in the one state that Cain trails in, Nevada, it’s only by one point, and he’s gained 21 points in Nevada since July there.

So that would be good news if you’re a Cain fan. The bad news for Cain and his fans – there aren’t a lot of what you’d call committed Cain supporters. The former pizza CEO lags behind Romney in voters who say they will definitely vote for him.

More bad news for those who want to see Mr. 9-9-9 get the Republican nomination – Cain is sorely lacking in terms of campaign organization. The Cain campaign, such as it is, seems as surprised as the rest of us at his recent surge in the polls, to the point that it’s now being forced to scramble to get an infrastructure in place to take advantage.

And then there’s the bad news for Rick Perry fans – the Texas governor’s fall from frontrunner to also-ran seems complete at this point. He’s at 6 percent – 6 percent! – in Nevada, where 59 percent of voters have an unfavorable opinion of him, and his numbers in other states are comparably bad.

Meanwhile, Bachmann (3 percent in Nevada, 5 percent in Wisconsin) is now officially an afterthought.

You ask me, Romney is the one sitting pretty. I didn’t use the setting the pace analogy in my lead here for nothing. The former Massachusetts governor seems content to let others get their moment or two in the glare of the lead of the pack as he continues to raise money and build campaign bases in the key battleground states.

More at TheWorldAccordingToChrisGraham.com.



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