The City of Charlottesville will be reconfiguring pedestrian access adjacent to the southbound lane of the Belmont Bridge in late February.
Based on the most recent inspection from the City’s structural consulting firm, Mid-Atlantic Engineering, the condition of the sidewalk has degraded to a point where it has become a safety concern.
This work is similar to that which occurred several years ago when the northbound sidewalk was closed; however, closing the southbound sidewalk will require additional measures to ensure safe pedestrian access.
In order to maintain pedestrian access, vehicular traffic will be shifted to the inside southbound lane and pedestrian traffic will use the outside southbound lane. Pedestrians will be protected from vehicular traffic by a continuous concrete barrier. In addition, southbound bicycle traffic will be permitted to use this protected area, as the full width will be 10′ wide, similar to a multiuse trail. Pavement marking, signage and ADA ramps will also be installed. These adjustments will allow for continued pedestrian access with minimal impact to vehicular traffic as the southbound bridge is largely striped for one lane of travel.
A notice regarding this work was sent to neighboring properties and the adjoining Neighborhood Association representatives.